Latest Articles In Science

The word science is derived from Latin “scientia” meaning knowledge. There are two distinctive definitions of science. The older of the two states that science is a body of knowledge itself, of the type that can be rationally explained and reliably applied.

The contemporary definition is that it is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. A practitioner of science is known as a scientist.

From the classical antiquity and medieval science providing foundations for scientific method to the present day, science has been linked to a broad specter of branches until it became an all encompassing term with the definition given above.

The ever growing evolution of science in general has produced various branches or fields of expertise. The two major categories are natural and social science. The category of formal science is reserved for mathematics because it has certain elements of both natural and social categories but does not fit in either.

The documentaries and video materials complied in this category are concerned with all scientific matters, from the philosophy of science to the fringe and junk science.

Is it possible that the days of this planet are all but spent? Is the evacuation of the entire planet the only salvation of mankind? The answers to these questions are given in the documentary about the technological advance and the future plans that will enable planet scale evacuation.

The ever lingering question of the possibility of the eternal life is expected to be answered in recent future. To learn how humanity is about to defeat death, we will investigate the plans to grow replacement parts of the body in the laboratory, microscopic robots that could wipe out deadly diseases, and the possibility that aging itself may be reversed by taking a page from one of history’s darkest legends. A number of scientists, doctors, geneticists and nanotech experts-many with impeccable academic credentials insist that such a thing is possible. Find out what scientific methods and breakthroughs are behind this incredible claim. Will the gift of eternal life be finally given to mankind?

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The MOSE Project in Venice – How to Stop Flooding

The MOSE project in Venice will be fully operational in 2023. At the time, the barriers will be raised when the water level hits 110cm or 43 inches above the regular level. Now, the MOSE project will ...

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  • 1 year ago
FAST – Largest Single Aperture Telescope in the World

Apart from the obligatory extraterrestrial life hunting, the telescope will also become handy in a number of different ways, for example, detecting low-frequency gravitational ways and discovering bra...

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  • 1 year ago
What are the most Reactive Metals?

The alkali metals are the family of elements that contain the most reactive elements. These metals include lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, and francium

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  • 1 year ago
ITER – The Future of Energy

The goal of the project (ITER, short for International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) is to create a plasma of 500 megawatts for around twenty minutes while 50 megawatts of thermal power and inje...

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  • 2 years ago
How to Detoxify the Pineal Gland

The pineal gland is believed to play a vital role in consciousness. Detoxifying it can be helpful in attaining higher levels of consciousness.

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  • 2 years ago
Space Based Solar Power – How Soon is the Future?

This idea has been around since the early 1970s. But the early ideas were not economically viable. The present day launch infrastructure is much more advanced

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  • 3 years ago
How Long Before Ultracapacitors Overtake Batteries?

Batteries need time to charge and discharge energy. Think of it as the time it takes for a dam to fill with rain during the rain, and then slowly drain. On the other hand, ultracapacitors, can store c...

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  • 3 years ago
Shine Bright Like a Diamond – Meet Lucy, a Diamond Star

Lucy, or with its official name BMP 37093, was discovered in 2004. Astronomers nicknamed the space diamond star after the Beatles song, “Lucy in the sky with diamonds”

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  • 4 years ago
InSight has Landed on Mars – What Will it Tell Us?

The name of the mission stands for “Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy, and Heat Transport”

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  • 4 years ago
What Would Happen If the Earth Stopped Moving?

Such event would require the same amount of energy stored in the momentum of everything on our rotating planet. And there is no physical mechanism on the planet that can supply that

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  • 4 years ago
Hotter than the Sun and Other Facts about lighting that will Mesmerize You

One average lightning bolt can release enough energy to operate a 100-watt light bulb for more than three months straight, which is approximately 250 kilowatt-hours of energy

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  • 4 years ago
Rosehip Neuron – the Latest Scientific Discovery That Can Help Scientists Understand Consciousness

The new neuron exists only in humans. It is not found in rodents, which are frequently used as model species in neuroscience. Scientists believe that the rosehip neuron is the reason why many treatmen...

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  • 4 years ago
The Future Is Now: German Start-up Tests Solar Powered Vehicle

Sion is a prototype vehicle made by the German company Sono Motors. It is set to be released in 2019. The vehicle has solar cells integrated with its body parts, a total of 330 cells. The vehicle wil...

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  • 4 years ago
Forget the octagon, scientists discover a new shape called “scutoid”

The discovery can help us understand how organs acquire such complex, yet in the same time, stable forms. It is critical for future organ and tissue engineering

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  • 4 years ago
Everything you wanted to know about Mauritia, the Lost Continent under Mauritius

It might sound implausible, but deep at the bottom of the Indian Ocean lies the continent, which was found thanks to the work done by the team from South Africa’s University of the Witwatersrand

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  • 4 years ago
Top 5 Unsolved Math Mysteries that Still Plague Us

There are math problems that remain unsolved in algebra, graph, Euclidean geometries, and many other aspects of mathematics

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  • 4 years ago
What happens when a black hole eats a star?

The phenomenon happens as unsuspecting stars wander too close to the supermassive black hole in the center of their galaxy and are torn apart by the gravity of the black hole

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  • 4 years ago
Mind Blowing Facts about Space to Get you Thinking

Just think about it, one million Earths could fit inside the sun, and the Sun is considered to be an average-size star.

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  • 5 years ago
Check out all the photos from NASA’s Apollo mission

For years since the first landing on the moon, the Project Apollo has been subject to many conspiracy theories. Now, NASA is putting an end by releasing more than 10,000 photos of the missions

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  • 5 years ago
14 Things You Didn’t know about Sigmund Freud

His radical ideas of the human mind completely transformed psychology. They remain controversial to this day

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  • 5 years ago
Month of Women – Valentina Tereshkova

In June 1963, Valentina orbited Earth 48 times, spent almost three days in space in Volstok 6, and she exchanged communications with another spacecraft

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  • 6 years ago
Starlite – What happened to the material that could have changed the world?

Starlite was fire-retardant, and could have been used as a thermal barrier or heat-resistant coating

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  • 6 years ago
Eights Ways IBM Watson makes life Easier

The Watson has come a long way since the win in Jeopardy in 2011.

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  • 6 years ago
Five Female Astronauts that paved the way

More than 50 years ago, US and NASA worked on a project to send women in Space. The project, which included medical test same as the Mercury astronauts, occurred in 1960-61

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  • 6 years ago
Benjamin Franklin the Inventor

Between running a print shop, starting the first lending library in America, engineering the postal system, and helping America during the Revolution, he found time to draw up many devices

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  • 6 years ago
Point Nemo – The place furthest from land

Point Nemo is exactly 2 688 220.580 meters or 1450 nautical miles away from the following coastline points: Ducie Island in the South Pacific, Maher Island in Antarctica, and Motu Nui, Easter Island ...

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  • 6 years ago
Understanding Modal Logic

In simplest terms, modal logic is just an extension of the pure logic, allowing people to use modal operators that can express modality like possibility and necessity

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  • 6 years ago
New Animal Species Develop Thanks to Human Intervention

Some of the new species are hybrids, some of them thrive in human-dominated world, and some still enjoy the solitude of the wilderness

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  • 6 years ago
Mark Twain and the Halley's Comet - Writer predicting own death

Clemens was born in 1835, after an appearance of the Comet. He died of a heart attack in 1910, just one day after the Comet appeared the brightest in its history in 1910

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  • 6 years ago
The Flat Earth Society - What's the Fuss?

The history of the Flat Earth society can be traced back to the beginning of the 19th century, when Samuel Bowbotham published a book called “Zetetic Astronomy: Earth not a Globe”

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  • 7 years ago
9 Weird Facts about the Bermuda Triangle

According to estimates, more than 1,000 people have lost their lives to the Bermuda triangle, with four airplanes and 20 ships losing their way each and every year

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  • 7 years ago
Russia wants to conquer the moon by 2029, is it possible?

Russia might have lost the battle for the first Moon race, but now they are aiming for something more, life on the Moon

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  • 7 years ago
Nikola Tesla was Ahead of His time - Here are some of his

Many of the modern-day devices would still be just a dream if it wasn’t for Tesla. Many think of Tesla only as the founder of electricity, but he did much more than that. Not all of his futuristic v...

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  • 7 years ago
Greenland ice melt - is it time for panic?

At the beginning of September, NASA posted graphs showing how much ice is Greenland and Antarctic are losing. The ice at Greenland is more alarming. According to data NASA collected from the GRACE sat...

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  • 7 years ago
Will we ever live on Kepler-452b, Earth's Cousin?

Kepler-452b is the smallest of the Kepler planets discovered so far. With the discovery of Kepler-452b, NASA’s Kepler mission brings the total number of discovered and confirmed planets to 1,030

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  • 7 years ago
NASA Have Discovered An Earth Like Planet That Could Harbour Extra-Terrestrial Life

NASA has announced the exciting discovery of Kepler 452b, an Earth like planet where extra-terrestrial life potentially exists.

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  • 7 years ago
NASA have just released this fascinating video showing close up images of Pluto!

Ever wondered what the surface of Pluto actually looks like? This video will give you an intriguing glimpse.

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  • 7 years ago
This Bizarre Sea Creature Just Washed Up On The Shores Of Russia

The image of an unknown sea monster is taking the internet by storm

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  • 7 years ago
Galileo Galilei and three other scientists who believed in magic

You would be surprised to know that some of the brightest minds of our time have believed in magic. Galileo and Newton are two of the top geniuses praised by society for their work in science. But bot...

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  • 7 years ago
Revolutionary New Insulin Patch Could Change The Lives Of Diabetics Forever

The super smart insulin patch could alleviate the need for injections.

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  • 7 years ago
This Ingenious Idea May Combat Rhino Poaching For Good!

Scientists have come up with this extremely clever idea to tackle rhino poaching.

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  • 7 years ago
Cecilia Payne - The woman who discovered what the Sun was made of, but never given credit

Back when scientists believe that the Sun is made out of heavy elements, a 25 year old student wrote a briliant and revolutionary doctor's dissertation proving everone wrong

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  • 7 years ago
Lise Meitner - The forgotten woman who should have won Nobel Prize

Many believe Meitner was robbed of a Nobel Prize, as the award was given to her colleague Otto Hahn, one of the other scientists, physicist and chemists working on the project of nuclear fission

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  • 7 years ago
Five HIV/Aids conspiracy theories

And as is the case with many other viruses, there are countless of conspiracy theories about the origin of the virus. People always talk, but in the case of HIV/AIDS, an argument can be made for some ...

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  • 7 years ago

Good Or Bad?

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  • 8 years ago
How the Computer shaped our world, from Man of the Year by Time in 1982 to must have in 2015

On January 3, 1983, TIME magazine issued a publication that has forever changed the world. In 21 pages, TIME covered the Personal Computer, a machine that the magazine has chosen to be Man of the Year...

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  • 8 years ago
​The Giant Eye of Africa in Mauritania - Mystery viewed from space

Because of its size, the Giant Eye is considered a landmark so big, that early space missions used it to navigate. Early space missions used the Richat Structure as a landmark, and nowadays, the place...

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  • 8 years ago
Phil Schneider - the man behind The Alien Agenda

Phil believed that there are seven benevolent alien species currently living on Earth and four evil species. The theory further suggests that the US Government has signed four treaties with the Aliens...

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  • 8 years ago

Interesting Facts

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  • 8 years ago
Left Handed

Myths and Facts

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  • 8 years ago