
The term is derived from the Greek ‘techne’ meaning art, skill, cunning of hand and the suffix ‘logia’ meaning ‘the study of’. By definition it is the collection of tools, including machinery, modifications, arrangements and procedures used by humans.

Different technologies significantly affect human as well as other animal species' ability to control and adapt to their natural environments. The term itself can either be applied generally or to specific areas such as construction technology, medical technology and information technology.

There is an ongoing philosophical debate over the influence of technology on mankind. Movements such as Neo-Luddism and Anarcho-Primitivism argue that it harms the environment and alienates people, while ideologies such as transhumanism and techno-progressivism consider technology to be beneficial to society and the human condition.

Throughout history technology has constantly evolved, beginning with the basic stone tools, mastering the fire, to the metal tools, energy and transport, and finally to the present day and the astonishing achievements in every technological aspect.

The use of primitive technology is recorded in some animal species as well. These include primates such as chimpanzees, dolphins and crows. The gorilla males, for example, use a branch as a walking stick in order to safely get across a river. A West African chimpanzee uses stone hammers for cracking nuts.

The documentaries and video materials compiled in this category are concerned with the technological advancement throughout the history.

The ever burning question of are we alone in the universe might already have an answer that is deliberately being hidden from the majority of the population. See the leaked U.S. government documents and bare witness the gravity of the implications that they have. Discover the truth about the light bulb conspiracy and see if the everyday products that you use have an intentionally shortened life span.

Explore the origin of life itself and learn what you can do to prevent the ongoing transformation of Earth from a place we call home to an inhabitable planet. Certain scientists predict that in the matter of ten years natural resources will be utterly spent and the climate drastically changed.

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brabus car tuning
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This documentary accompanies the complex tuning process of a Mercedes G and Mercedes S class. In the Brabus main plant in Bottrop Germany, all Daimler vehicles have been spruced up according to custom...

  • 165
  • 1 week ago
  • Not Rated
how aluminum works
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Aluminum is a lightweight, silvery-white metal that is abundant in the Earth's crust. It is a highly versatile material that has a wide range of uses in various industries, such as construction, trans...

  • 139
  • 2 weeks ago
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bosch factory
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Bosch in Reutlingen, Germany: The highly sensitive sensors and microchips that are produced here are installed in automobiles and consumer electronics all over the world.A tremendous amount of effort ...

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  • 1 month ago
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cities of the future
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Will the cities of the future be climate neutral? Might they also be able to actively filter carbon dioxide out of the air?Futurologist Vincente Guallarte thinks so. In fact, he says, our cities will ...

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  • 2 months ago
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genx engineering
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Generation X is the western demographic cohort following the baby boomers and preceding the millennials. The mid-to-late 1960s is commonly used as the starting birth years, and the late 1970s to early...

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  • 2 months ago
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nuclear fusion
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Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei are combined to form one or more different atomic nuclei and subatomic particles. The difference in mass between the reactants and produ...

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  • 3 months ago
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Dating apps, delivery services, remote work and smart homes. Today, our lives are more digitalized than ever.At the same time, the vulnerabilities that come with globalization are ...

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  • 4 months ago
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Elon FRS is a business magnate and investor. He is the founder, CEO, and chief engineer of SpaceX; angel investor, CEO, and product architect of Tesla, Inc.; founder of The Boring ...

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  • 5 months ago
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When you first learned to write code, you probably realized that computers don't really have any common sense. You need to tell a computer exactly what you want. But do you know ab...

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  • 6 months ago
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A transistor is a miniature semiconductor that regulates or controls current or voltage flow in addition amplifying and generating these electrical signals and acting as a switch/g...

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  • 7 months ago
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Nowadays, most of us use a computer. It has become a part of our daily life. But how did computers get where they are nowadays? How have they evolved over the years?Did you know th...

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  • 7 months ago
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Take a look inside your computer to see how transistors work together in a microprocessor to add numbers using logic gates.The great book by Charles Petzold really breaks down a co...

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  • 7 months ago
  • 9(1)

Mega-corporations like Amazon and Facebook are becoming more powerful. And their growth shows no signs of slowing down.They are in the public eye -- but are they also above the law...

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  • 10 months ago
  • 5.4(7)

Here is a fun fact for you. Currently, 98% of international internet traffic flows through undersea cables, according to Google data. A vast underwater network of cables crisscross...

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  • 10 months ago
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Agro-mining is the process of growing plants that absorb metals from the ground. The science is solid, but will this innovation ever be scalable enough to reduce traditional, destr...

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  • 10 months ago
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Robots and machines could soon replace humans in the workplace as artificial intelligence improves. Imagine having colleagues controlled by computers.Society is facing radical chan...

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In telecommunications, 5G is the fifth-generation technology standard for broadband cellular networks, which cellular phone companies began deploying worldwide in 2019, and is the ...

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  • 10 months ago
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70 years ago, once a single country was divided, and North Korea, together with the Soviet Union, began to build socialism. On the other hand, South Korea, together with the Americ...

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  • 11 months ago
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Henry Ford personally is said to have chosen the location of the Ford factory in Cologne Niehl. Today over 1,000 new cars are assembled here every day.Over 1200 industrial robots c...

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  • 1 year ago
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How can a dump truck too heavy for the roads be transported? If a transporter needs to be transported, if 176 wheels aren’t enough to carry its weight and if the load weighs twic...

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  • 1 year ago
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More and more countries in the world are turning toward sustainable energy. The world as a whole is trying to move pass fossil fuels and try to find new sources of energy.In that r...

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  • 1 year ago
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HTC was an absoloutly influenial smartphone brand, but over the years, they've gone from number one to zero. What exactly happened? In this video we explore the story.HTC is still ...

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  • 1 year ago
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The Suez Canal is an artificial sea-level waterway in Egypt, connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea through the Isthmus of Suez and dividing Africa.In 1962, Egypt made its...

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  • 1 year ago
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Electricity is the flow of electrical power or charge. The energy sources we use to make electricity can be renewable or non-renewable, but electricity itself is neither renewable ...

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  • 1 year ago
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Renewable energy is energy that is collected from renewable resources that are naturally replenished on a human timescale. It includes sources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, ...

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artificial intelligence
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer or a robot controlled by a computer to do tasks that are usually done by humans because they require human intelligence an...

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  • 1 year ago
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In order for something new to be born, something else has to go down to ashes. That is a life motto, but also reality for some engineering marvels.This documentary takes a look at ...

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  • 1 year ago
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How much do you think is the price of your phone? You probably know what is the price in the store. Mobile phones nowadays can go from $200 to $1,500 easily.But what is the real pr...

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  • 1 year ago
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In 2007, Steve Jobs presented a cellphone that would completely change the world, the iPhone. At the time, Nokia dominated the market of mobile phones.Consider this for a moment, i...

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  • 1 year ago
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creepy line
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Have you ever thought how Google and Facebook have changed our life? Is it for the better of for the worse? Have you ever thought that these social networks might have manipulated ...

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  • 2 years ago
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How much do you understand the Facebook algorithm? Or the Google algorithm? YouTube? Or any social network for that matter.Have you noticed that after you search for something...

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  • 2 years ago
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How did life evolve on the nano scale? What is the future of nanotechnology? You might think we are at the point of Ironman getting suited up using nano technology like in Av...

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  • 2 years ago
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One of the largest and most modern excavator factories in the world is in China. And every ten minutes, a new high-tech monster rolls off the assembly line in Lingang, China....

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  • 2 years ago
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Pirelli and Michelin are two of the most famous tire manufactures. Pirelli produces performance-oriented tires that go higher in price. But they do have an adequate variety o...

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  • 2 years ago
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Every country in the world struggles with energy. Modern countries are looking for new, sustainable, and more efficient sources of energy. One of those is wind power.Germany ...

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  • 2 years ago
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in the age of AI
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We live in the era of artificial intelligence. And it is becoming bigger and bigger part of our life. Think Alexa or other virtual assistants. Or Google Maps, and how navigation ...

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  • 2 years ago
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birth of silicon valley
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Nowadays, the Silicon Valley is a synonym for tech giants in the United States of America. But the area was not always popular. Some 80 or 90 years ago, the land was extremel...

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  • 2 years ago
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Good engineering can result in some magnificent buildings and structures. It is just astonishing to see some of the engineering wonders. The modern wonders of the world are a...

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  • 2 years ago
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Jawed Karim is an American software engineer and Internet entrepreneur. He is one of the founders of YouTube. Jawed is also the first person to upload a video to the social m...

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  • 2 years ago
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the startup nation
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For many years, the first association to Israel is Holy Land. Millions of people visit Israel and the Wailing Wall. But in the past several years, the country made the jump f...

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  • 2 years ago
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Anything you put on the Internet, it stays on the Internet. The internet is like Vegas. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Well, think about that the next time you put s...

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  • 2 years ago
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Engineers are awesome people. And Dubai is one of the best examples of engineering. Do you know how Dubai looked some 30 or 40 years ago? It was practically a desert. Now,...

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  • 2 years ago
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Nowadays, Dubai is one of the most luxurious cities in the world. It is one of the most expensive, glamorous, and everything else money-wise. But it wasn’t always the case....

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  • 2 years ago
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AI imaging covid-19 testing
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Health +1

This technology is still in development, evaluation, and testing phase, but it could significantly help the world in the fight against Covid-19 pandemic.One of the biggest challe...

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  • 2 years ago
  • Not Rated

When a bicycle craze swept across Europe back in the late 19th century, British people decided to stick a motor on the wheels and see what happened. The rest is history.The B...

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  • 3 years ago
  • 6(1)

5G is the fifth generation wireless technology for digital cellular networks. It began with wide deployment in 2019. As with previous standards, the covered areas are divided...

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  • 3 years ago
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Immersion into virtual reality is a perception of being physically present in a non-physical world. The perception is created by surrounding the user of the VR system in imag...

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  • 3 years ago
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CSCL Globe is the largest container ship in the world. It is owned and operated by China Shipping Container Lines. It is the first of a class of five ships designed for Asia-...

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  • 3 years ago
  • 4.5(2)

Quantum computers perform calculations based on the probability of an object’s state before it is measured, instead of just 1s or 0s. They have the potential to process exponen...

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  • 3 years ago
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in the age of AI
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Artificial intelligence is the branch of computer sciences that emphasize the development of intelligence machines thinking and working like humans. Some examples include spe...

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  • 3 years ago
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