Latest Articles In Conspiracy

This category delves deep into the mysterious world of conspiracy. According to the Oxford English dictionary, a conspiracy is a secret plan to commit crime or do harm. It is often accompanied by the plan to cover up the committed misdeed. Throughout history there have been an incredible number of conspiracies and the impact of their accomplishment often echoed through time with a number of consequences.

The most impressive of these conspiracies gave out the impression of a series of random misfortunate evens. Only a number of insightful individuals were ever able to uncover the truth behind certain events, but often unwilling or unable to share their discoveries with the others.

The content of this category is for those of you with an open mind and the skeptical view of various peculiar occurrences worldwide. Learn about different conspiracies made to change the world order of things, shield the truth from the eyes of the public and gain control over the governing structures around the world.

Find out about the plans to gain control over the population of Earth, and how the war campaigns waged by the U.S. army were connected to the Central Bank of America. Learn about the rise and fall of one of the most powerful groups in the world, the Knights Templar.

The ever burning question of are we alone in the universe might already have an answer that is deliberately being hidden from the majority of the population. See the leaked U.S. government documents and bare witness the gravity of the implications that they have. Discover the truth about the light bulb conspiracy and see if the everyday products that you use have an intentionally shortened life span.

Have you ever wondered if the pharmaceutical companies are hiding the truth about the cure for cancer and how is cannabis connected with the cure. Watch the documentaries provided for you and bring your own conclusion.

We have given you just some of the examples of the documentaries and video materials concerning the conspiracies that you were probably unaware of. This category could prove to be a real eye opener for you.

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Here is How CIA tried to Kill Fidel Castro 7 Times and Failed

Born on August 13, 1926, Fidel Castro was the longest-serving non-royal head of state in the 20th and 21st century. He ruled with Cuba for more than 30 years as president, and served as prime minister...

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  • 6 months ago
The Banff Springs Hotel – Canada’s Iconic Haunted Hotel

The hotel opened to the public in 1888, and since then, it has seen history, celebrities, and rebuilds. But also some tragedies. Millions of guests have checked in. Yet, a few have never checked out

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  • 7 months ago
Chaonei No.81 – Learn More about the Haunted House in Beijing, China

In Chaoyangmen, Beijing, stands an abandoned house. Known as Chaonei No.81 or Chaonei Church, it has a reputation for being haunted. And that reputation increased vastly in 2014 after the house appear...

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  • 8 months ago
Sinking of MS Estonia – A Conspiracy Subject Many Years After the Tragedy

The MS Estonia sank on September 28, 1994, between 00:50 and 01:50 UCT+2. The ship was crossing the Baltic Sea at the moment, en route from Tallinn, Estonia, to Stockholm, Sweden

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  • 1 year ago
Point Nemo – The Most Remote Location on Earth

Officially known as “the oceanic pole of inaccessibility”, Point Nemo is the point in the ocean that is farthest away from land. Located at 48°52.6′S 123°23.6′W, the spot is quite literally ...

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  • 1 year ago
Gateway to Hell in Turkmenistan – Will we See the End of It?

The original name of this place is Darvaza gas crater. Turkmen media uses the name Shining of the Karakum. But the common name most people know is the Door to Hell or Gates to Hell. The area is a natu...

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  • 1 year ago
Subliminal Messaging – Weapons of Destruction or Advertising Hacks?

Subliminal messages are visual or auditory stimuli that the conscious mind cannot perceive. They are often inserted into media such as TV, songs, and commercials. It is a type of messaging that can st...

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  • 2 years ago
Jimmy Hoffa – All the Death Conspiracies

Jimmy Hoffa is one of the central figures in the Irishman, a fictional movie trying to explain the disappearance of the union leader

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  • 3 years ago
Room 39 – The Kingpin of North Korea’s court economy

Some experts believe the secret organization has more than 20 bank accounts in Switzerland, and owns more than 130 trading companies, bringing in revenue of $1b per year

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  • 4 years ago
How to get away with murder at Yellowstone’s “Zone of Death”

In 2004, Brian Kalt decided to write an article about how some states allowed for a trial in one of the two neighboring countries depending on how close the criminal act was to the dividing line. This...

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  • 4 years ago
The Mystery of the Thai Cave

After two weeks in the Tham Luang Nang Non cave, 12 boys and the coach of their soccer team they were finally rescued on Monday July 9. But what the rescue mission didn’t revealed is the scary legen...

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  • 4 years ago
What is in Vatican Secret Archives?

The central repository in the Vatican City, the archives contain the state papers, correspondence, papal account books, and many other documents the church has accumulated over the centuries

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  • 4 years ago
Roman dodecahedra – The Enigma Resolved

Embellished with a series of knobs on each corner point of the pentagon, there are more than 100 of these objects found in areas that have been part of the Roman Empire

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  • 4 years ago
Did Keno Really Build the Great Wall of China?

According to a legend, a ruler in Ancient China invented the game of Keno, and used the money to fund the Great Wall of China

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  • 5 years ago
Why do People Believe in Conspiracy Theories?

The most common stereotype is that people believing in conspiracy theories are just some paranoid loners living in their mom’s basement. That is just far from the truth

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  • 5 years ago
Sri Chinmoy – Founder of Peace Run or Sex Criminal?

He established the first meditation center in Queens, New York, and eventually had 7,000 students in 60 different countries in the world

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  • 5 years ago
30 Years later, this Creepy TV Add is still a Mystery

Right up until 9:14 PM on November 22, 1987, what appeared on Chicago’s television sets was normal: entertainment, news, and game shows. Dan Roan, the popular local sportscaster was narrating highli...

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  • 5 years ago
6 New and Interesting Facts about Kennedy Assassination

The Kennedy assassination happened on November 22, 1963. The former president drove through the streets of Dallas at 12:30 local time, at which point he was shot in the head

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  • 5 years ago
Check out all the photos from NASA’s Apollo mission

For years since the first landing on the moon, the Project Apollo has been subject to many conspiracy theories. Now, NASA is putting an end by releasing more than 10,000 photos of the missions

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  • 5 years ago
The Mystery of Oak Island? Is there something there?

The privately owned island has much more to offer, but the most famous spot is the location now known as “the Money Pit”

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  • 6 years ago
Max Spiers – All the conspiracy theories

Spiers was found death in his home, and there were no signs of struggle or fight. However, his mother believes that it was a murder, because just one day before the death, he sent her a message tellin...

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  • 6 years ago
Aldrich Ames - The most infamous Russian Spy

He became a mole for the KGB in 1985, and did so until he was arrested in 1993. He sold more than 10 CIA agents to Russia

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  • 6 years ago
Seven Victims of the King Tut's Curse

The curse refers to a belief that those who disturb the mummy of a pharaoh will suffer something terrible

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  • 6 years ago
Top 5 secret societies with real power in world politics

Conspiracy theories have been trying with years to prove that the Illuminati and the New World Order are deeply involved with politics

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  • 6 years ago
File 17 - What is in the secret 9/11 US Government document?

There are almost 30 names in File 17. Most of those are Saudi names. And now, 13 years after Bush classified the 200 pages report, we can have a look in it

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  • 6 years ago
David Copperfield - The Mystery behind the Tricks

The secret of the tricks has never been publicly explained. However, there are ways to explain how he does the tricks. Only one of his acts has been publicly explained, and that is because a participa...

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  • 6 years ago
Bohemian Club: History, Membership and Legacy

Founded in 1872, the Bohemian Club has been the place politicians, businessmen, elite athletes, and other rich people gather, leave their concerns outside, and for two to three weeks, enjoy life at it...

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  • 6 years ago
13 Bizarre Historic Events that Happened by Accident

If you believe in the Big Bang Theory, then you believe that the world was created by accident. But let's revisit some of the historic events that actually happened by accident

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  • 6 years ago
Top 10 Controversial Roman Emperors

What makes the following emperors controversial is their desire to suppress the Senate, and their flamboyant lifestyle

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  • 6 years ago
Masonic Rites and Degrees Explained - Why the Scottish has 33 and the normal only 3 degrees?

The higher ranks, acquired in the Scottish rite for example, represent “appendant degrees”, as in lateral movement in the highest rank

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  • 6 years ago
The giant stone balls of Costa Rica - World Mysteries

At the moment, according to John Hoopes, there are 300 spheres known to exist. The largest among them weighs 15 tons and measures eight feet in diameter. The smallest stone, on the other hand, is no l...

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  • 6 years ago
Top 10 Mysterious Animals People Believe Exist

It is in our nature to look for the superficial, after all, God is sometimes called a superficial thing by heretics and non-believers

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  • 6 years ago
Panama Papers - What You Need to Know

The biggest leak journalists ever worked for included 2.6 terabytes of data, or more than 11 million documents

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  • 6 years ago
The Flat Earth Society - What's the Fuss?

The history of the Flat Earth society can be traced back to the beginning of the 19th century, when Samuel Bowbotham published a book called “Zetetic Astronomy: Earth not a Globe”

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  • 7 years ago
9 Weird Facts about the Bermuda Triangle

According to estimates, more than 1,000 people have lost their lives to the Bermuda triangle, with four airplanes and 20 ships losing their way each and every year

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  • 7 years ago
Does David Rockefeller rule the World? New World Order

Now at age 100, David is the oldest living member of the organization. He is also the oldest living member of the Rockefellers, a family that has financial inputs in many industries and areas

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  • 7 years ago
Schwarze Kapelle - German Military Mutiny to overthrow Hitler

The group attempted several assassinations on Hitler, but the biggest one was on July 20, 1944. The assassination is known as Operation Valkyrie

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  • 7 years ago
Occult Forces - Illuminati Movie truth that killed the director

The movie was released in 1943, and the director Jean Mamy was killed (executed for collaborating with the enemy) just 6 years later

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  • 7 years ago
Two Russian Plane Crashes in one week - All Conspiracy Theories

224 people lost their lives when Flight 9268 crashed in Egypt, opening the way for conspiracy theories

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  • 7 years ago
Nazi Gold Train - Is it Real? Everything you need to know!

While some say the estimated value of the Nazi gold train is priceless, others have tried to calculate its value. According to some historians, the trains hold more than $30 billion of missing treasur...

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  • 7 years ago
Pavel Globa - The Russian astrologer with 85% success in predictions!

Globa believes that the economic crisis will last up until 2020, after which the world will have completely new geopolitical map

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  • 7 years ago
Could it be that Fight MH370 landed on water? Found debris confirms conspiracy theories!

After the debris was found, it was sent to France for examination by international aviation experts. French authorities then launched a prolonged and comprehensive search around the island for more de...

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  • 7 years ago
The Black Budget - A Conspiracy Theory turned out to be true

The Black Budget is essentially a secret budget that is part of the money that the department of defense receives every year. However, the money from the Black Budget are never detailed in the reports...

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  • 7 years ago
The Unknown Man E - The most mysterious mummy in the world

The mummy of the Mysterious Man E was wrapped in sheepskin (material not used for ritual burials in Ancient Egypt), there was no incision on the left abdomen, the mummy still had his organs such as br...

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  • 7 years ago
​  Can dogs commit suicide? The Overtoun Bridge is a proof they can

There is no clear number how many dogs have leaped from the parapet fall and onto the waterfalls below the bridge

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  • 7 years ago
Jack the Ripper – All the victims and theories

A man that called himself “Jack the Ripper” terrorized the Whitechapel disctir in London from August 7 to September 10 in 1888

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  • 7 years ago
​  King John's Lost treasure - will it ever be found?

The estimated value of the treasure is $70,000,000. The treasure contains crown jewels, silver plates, gold goblets, the sword of Tristram, golden wand with a dove and many, many gold coins

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  • 7 years ago
Aluminum wedge of aiud - Alien artifact or just unsolved mystery?

​The Aluminum wedge of Aiud is also known as the Object of Auid, and is one of the most mysterious and controversial objects of our time. According to some articles, it was found in 1973 in Romania,...

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  • 7 years ago
Flight MH370 conspiracy theories - what happened to the plane?

​One year and one month have passed, and there are still no signs of the Flight MH370 plane. The Malaysian plane is nowhere to be found, and all that is left are conspiracy theories

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  • 7 years ago
Hitler's lost testicle, death and all other controversies linked with the Fuhrer

​An individual such as Hitler, with his magnitude and power is always bound to conspiracy theories and myths

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  • 7 years ago