
The word medicine is derived from the Latin “ars medicina”, meaning the art of healing.

Through observation and meticulous study of various stages of health, mankind discovered that there was a number of ways in which health could be affected and an equal number of ways in which that could be remedied. That was the birth of medicine, a science or a practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. It encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness.

From the historical perspective, the first written record on medicine dates back to the ancient Egypt, Babylon, Greece and China. The Greek physician Hippocrates is considered to be the father of medicine and he introduced the Hippocrates Oath, which is taken by present day physicians as well. Egyptian priest Imhotep was the first physician in history recorded by name. There Edwin Smith Papyrus contains the information on certain surgical procedures that were preformed around 1500 BCE.

Since that time medicine has constantly evolved, growing more efficient in treating various conditions in humans but also in other species as well. Present day medicine has different branches of specialization and all of them can be divided into two major categories: medicine and surgery.

The documentaries and video materials compiled in this category are concerned with medical issues in general along with the progress of medicine in terms of new discoveries and treatment methods, health in general and many other accompanying matters.

Discover the link between cannabis and the cure for cancer. Are the two more related than we could ever imagine, and is there a conspiracy to hide that connection from the general population?

Explore the vast universe of micro organisms or microbes, whose number in an average person`s body exceeds the current number of people on the planet.

Is the key to longevity hidden within a simple act of fasting? Find out the answer to that question and see the scientific approach to this particular matter. Follow the story of a man who embarks on a 5 days normal and 2 days fasting diet with surprising results.

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Charlotte Cleverley-Bisman
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Charlotte Cleverley-Bisman contracted Meningococcal Septicaemia at the age of six months. Since then, she lives an extraordinary life.Because of the condition, doctors were forced to amputate p...

  • 1,629
  • 2 years ago
  • 10(1)
medicine and war
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Did you know that during World War, vehicles in France became mobile X-ray units? Or that during WW1, there was a widespread use of treatments and vaccinations for deadly diseases? During WW2...

  • 2,240
  • 2 years ago
  • 10(1)
deadly bacteria
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There are around 4 quadrillion quadrillion bacteria on Earth. Not all of them are bad. Some are good for our health. But the greatest danger to modern medicine nowadays is multi-resistant bac...

  • 1,901
  • 2 years ago
  • 8(2)
emergency helicopters
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Did you know that the average cruising speed of emergency helicopters is 120 miles per hour? That is all thanks to the exceptional engineering.Inside, these helicopters feature an innovative tec...

  • 2,630
  • 3 years ago
  • Not Rated
pharmaceutical industry documentary
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Three years ago, the prognosis was that the pharmaceutical market worldwide will reach $1170 billion in 2021. The US has a highly developed pharmaceutical industry offering treatments for all ki...

  • 2,265
  • 3 years ago
  • Not Rated
CRISPR technology
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Several days ago, a Chinese court sentenced the scientist behind the world’s first gene-edited babies. He Jiankui helped engineer babies a year ago. The court said his research and team crosse...

  • 2,301
  • 3 years ago
  • Not Rated
AIDS history
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Health +1

AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. It is a chronic, and potentially life-threatening condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV. The condit...

  • 2,219
  • 3 years ago
  • Not Rated
medical bills America
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Health +1

More than 137 million people in the United States cannot pay their medical bills. That is one devastating fact.According to studies, one in six Americans have past-due health...

  • 2,771
  • 3 years ago
  • Not Rated
what the health
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When it comes to your daily food menu, chances are, meat and dairy are part of it. These two food groups are present in most people’s diet.If that is the case, watch this d...

  • 2,299
  • 3 years ago
  • 9(2)
gurung people honey
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Drugs +1

Bees collect honey all over the world. But not all honey is the same. If you do not believe it, just try and go to Nepal and try their honey.Nepal is the home of the Gurung p...

  • 3,075
  • 4 years ago
  • 8(1)
abu al qasim
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Health +1

Abu al-Qasim, popularly known as Al-Zahrawi, is considered the father of modern surgery. He is a proof that many of the things we have nowadays, have Islamic heritage. A lot ...

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  • 4 years ago
  • 4(3)
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Defined as “the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning or witnessing the troubles, failures, or humiliation of another. Schadenreude is ...

  • 3,124
  • 4 years ago
  • Not Rated
discovery of hormones
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Health +1

Hormones are part of our daily life. When you think of hormones, there are more than just the usual suspects, the estrogen and testosterone.In fact, there are many more hormo...

  • 4,108
  • 4 years ago
  • 10(1)
fetus development
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Health +1

What happens with you before you are born? How you develop in the womb? At what point you are really human, and not just an embryo?Legal departments have been fighting on this...

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  • 4 years ago
  • 2(1)
cancer and HIV
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Drugs +2

It is just remarkable how far our medicine and technology have come. Some 100 years ago, people were dying because of the common cold. The flu virus was causing epidemics. No...

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  • 4 years ago
  • 9.4(7)
smallpox virus
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Health +1

Smallpox is a disease that we have effectively erased from the Earth. The World Health Organization deemed “smallpox” as dead in 1980. However, we are constantly trying t...

  • 5,362
  • 5 years ago
  • 9(2)
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According to the World Health Organization, two billion people are infected Mycobacterium tuberculosis, or the bacteria that causes tuberculosis. That is almost one third of ...

  • 6,630
  • 5 years ago
  • 10(1)
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Health +1

Schizophrenia is one of the worst mental disorders. It is characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to understand reality. Some of the common symptoms include fal...

  • 4,489
  • 5 years ago
  • 10(4)

Imagine being allergic to your hair growing. Or being allergic to exercise, yet you want to practice gymnastics. Such is the story of Natasha Coates, a 22 year old girl who i...

  • 6,019
  • 5 years ago
  • Not Rated
drug trial
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Drugs +2

Some 11 years ago, eight healthy young men took part in a clinical trial of an experimental leukemia drug known as TGN1412. At first glance, it was a clinical trial like ever...

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  • 5 years ago
  • Not Rated
good bacteria
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Health +2

For a long time, microorganisms, and bacteria specifically, have been associated with plagues and epidemics. Bacteria are everywhere around us. They live in the ground, in...

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  • 5 years ago
  • 6.8(4)
opioid crisis
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Drugs +2

American president Donald Trump recently declared opioid crisis as “public health emergency”. Facts show that more than two million Americans are dependent on or abused p...

  • 5,965
  • 5 years ago
  • 5.2(6)
1918 flu pandemic
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Health +1

The 1918 flu pandemic was one of the deadliest and most vicious pandemics in history of mankind. An unusually deadly influence, the 1918 flu pandemic was different than previ...

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  • 5 years ago
  • 7(1)
drugs two
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Health +1

Psilocybin mushrooms, or also known as a psychedelic mushrooms are mushrooms that contain psilocin. A naturally occurring psychedelic compound, psilocybin can be found in mor...

  • 8,445
  • 5 years ago
  • 10(1)
nyaope drug
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Drugs +2

Hamilton Morris is a journalist who wants to explore the world of drugs. More specifically, he explores the area of psychopharmacology, a branch of psychology concerned with ...

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  • 6 years ago
  • 6(5)
1918 influenza
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Health +2

When a person sick by flu sneezes or coughs, more than half a million virus particles can spread to those that are close to the infected person. During the World War I, incre...

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  • 6 years ago
  • Not Rated
mental asylums
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Health +1

Shocking. Do humans really do this to humans? Are we the most barbarous creatures of all? Those are just some thoughts that will come to mind after watching this fascinating ...

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  • 6 years ago
  • 7.7(3)
burmese cuisine
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Burma might be a small country, at least compared to other Asian powerhouses like India and China. The country, now officially known as Myanmar has a population of just 53 mi...

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  • 6 years ago
  • 5(1)
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Health +2

One of the most controversial topics in the past several years is vaccines. As in, should we ban vaccines or should we not? Should we vaccine our children or should we not?The ques...

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  • 6 years ago
  • 8.6(27)
birth control pills
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Health +3

Birth control pills are one of the most controversy subjects of the past few years. A pile of articles has been written on the subject. There are people that are pro birth co...

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  • 6 years ago
  • 8.1(181)
magic johnson hiv
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Health +2

25 years ago, Magic Johnson surprised and shocked the world announcing he will retire from the NBA because he is HIV positive. But Johnson returned shortly to the court. He retired...

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  • 6 years ago
  • 7(1)
Nancy Frates
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Almost everyone you know knows a thing or two about the Ice Bucket Challenge. The trend that went viral in 2014 was one of the most popular campaigns in history of social media. ...

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  • 6 years ago
  • Not Rated
Ramanan Laxminarayan
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Drugs +4

Professor Ramanan Laxminarayan graduated at Princeton, and for the past several years he has worked as Vice-President for Research and Policy at the Public Health Foundation of I...

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  • 6 years ago
  • Not Rated
drug addicts
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Drugs +2

According to statistics, one in three British adults has taken an illegal substance once in his life, and one fifth of those are still using illegal substances. And that is d...

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  • 6 years ago
  • 6(13)
crystal meth production
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Crime +2

In 2009, a new method and formula for mixing methamphetamine was discovered. The method required a two-liter soda bottle, some noxious chemicals and a few handfuls of cold pills....

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  • 6 years ago
  • 1(4)
childhood trauma
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Health +1

We all know that some traumas stay with us forever. But do you know that there is actually tangible effect on the development of the brain caused by childhood trauma?Childhood tr...

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  • 6 years ago
  • 10(1)
FDA conspiracy
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Health +2

The question you need to ask yourself is whether you should allow the government decide which foods you need to eat, and which medicines you need to use. Do you want to allow the...

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  • 6 years ago
  • 9.3(3)
type 1 diabetes
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Health +2

What if we tell you that three minutes of a documentary is more than enough to learn everything you need to know about a certain disease?Loading Docs is a series of documentaries...

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  • 6 years ago
  • 10(3)
muscle condition
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Health +1

For most of us, muscles are under our control. But how do our muscles work? And are there conditions that cause our muscles to stop working?For some people, their muscles are the...

  • 11,447
  • 6 years ago
  • 5.9(10)
multiple personality disorder
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Health +1

According to latest statistics, approximately 2% of the world’s population suffers from dissociative disorder, or multiple personality disorder. The stats show that women are m...

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  • 6 years ago
  • 8(1)
antibiotic resistance
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Health +1

Scientists are now calling it “the antibiotic resistance crisis”. What does it mean? Simply put, antibiotics are not as effective as they were say, 10 or 15 years ago.Bac...

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  • 6 years ago
  • Not Rated
Personal Triumphs
Martin Shkreli
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Health +2

After increasing the price for Daraprim from $13.50 per pill to whooping $750 per pill, or for 5000%, Martin Shkreli became the poster child for capitalism and capitalistic g...

  • 4,596
  • 7 years ago
  • 9(1)

More than 100 people are involved in a transplant operation, and the double transplant surgery takes 10 hours on average. Therefore, can't waste time and resources if there is a...

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  • 7 years ago
  • 8(1)
Welcome to the World
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Health +1

Welcome to the world is an expressive, thrilling and now and again unsettling view of birth around the globe. Annually, 130 million children are being born. Their life chances are...

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  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated

Could the chemicals found in cannabis avoid and even heal a few destructive tumors? Could the tumor managing properties of cannabinoids sometime supplant the weakening medication...

  • 5,117
  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated
Living With AIDS
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Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, or AIDS, is a number of conditions that occur due to the infection with human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV. This virus is transmitted by ha...

  • 6,509
  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated
Blood and Guts: A History of Surgery
dailymotion icon
Health +1

"This documentary series by Michael Mosley takes a closer look at the brutal, bloody and precarious history of surgery. This five-part series maps out the history of surgery throug...

  • 38,141
  • 8 years ago
  • 9.4(16)
Making A Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging
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‘Making A Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging’ is the story of big money-drugs that fuel a $330 billion psychiatric industry, without a single cure. This documen...

  • 14,128
  • 8 years ago
  • 8.8(16)
The Boy Who Can Never Grow Old
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Health +1

This documentary features one of the most exceptional genetic defect; Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and how it effects the life of a youngster who is hit by this disorder.But, it is ...

  • 5,725
  • 8 years ago
  • 4(4)
Stone Age Apocalypse
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Human evolution is believed to have begun about six million years ago. Despite the passage of much time, the amount of diversity between the DNA of all humans is minimal.Some 75,00...

  • 5,597
  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated
Latest Medicine Articles
In the search for answers
  • 8,846
  • 8 years ago
And as is the case with many other viruses, there are countless of conspiracy theories about the origin of the virus. Pe...
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  • 7 years ago
Sanger is the woman responsible for the terms “birth control”, “planned parenthood” and much more
  • 5,723
  • 7 years ago
The super smart insulin patch could alleviate the need for injections.
  • 5,258
  • 7 years ago
You would be surprised to know that some of the brightest minds of our time have believed in magic. Galileo and Newton a...
  • 17,642
  • 7 years ago
As of 2015, several countries in the world, including some states in the US have legalized marijuana usage for medical p...
  • 14,803
  • 6 years ago
The statistics show that one in ten people is attractive to mosquitoes, so pray that you are not the one
  • 6,273
  • 6 years ago
The Watson has come a long way since the win in Jeopardy in 2011.
  • 6,408
  • 6 years ago
The substance enters the brain rapidly, and then changes back into morphine. Heroin binds to opioid receptors on cells l...
  • 21,082
  • 6 years ago
People in Ancient Greece regarded illness as a divine punishment, while healing was quite literally a gift from the Gods
  • 12,127
  • 5 years ago
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