Latest Articles In Personal Triumphs

The origin of the contemporary term triumph is found in Latin “triumphus”. The first recorded use of the word was in the 14th century. The meaning of the term triumph is a feat of extraordinary success, victory or an accomplishment. It can be applied to various endeavors that resulted in an achievement or a goal fulfillment.

A personal triumph, as opposed to the collective or a team achievement, is a success or an accomplishment of an individual by their own merit.

When it comes to personal triumphs, it is important to point out that it is a highly individual matter. The emphasis is on the overcoming of certain issues that one might have or the level of commitment towards the realization of one`s goals. Depending on the category, these triumphs can be widely recognized and celebrated, such as the ones achieved by professional athletes and actors, while others can be on a very personal level, such as battling with an alcohol addiction or overcoming certain fears.

The documentaries and video materials compiled in this category are focusing on the success stories of different individuals and the path that lead them to their personal triumphs.

Follow the amazing story of Chris Dean, a young philosopher and observer, in a documentary filmed by Alan Spearman. From having a near death experience at the age of two to the formal introduction to the president Barack Obama at the age of eighteen, the incredible life of this young man is a perfect example of a success story despite the countless obstacles.

Discover the difficult road to recovery of a star athlete Chad Jones after a tragic car accident that disrupted his career and nearly cost him his life. This documentary shall give you a detailed insight into the painful process of rehabilitation and the unbreakable will of this extraordinary man.

Witness the story of the persistence of the homeless people living in the subterranean tunnels in New York. Directed by Marc Singer, this documentary brings us the stories of these people and their endurance despite being rejected by the society and living in the worst conditions possible.

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George Bissell – The Father of American Oil Industry

George recognized that rock oil, a liquid that oozed from rocks, could actually be used as an illuminant. He and his business partner James Townsend found a way to extract the liquid in sufficient qua...

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  • 2 months ago
Karl Bushby and the Goliath Expedition

Karl began his journey on 1 November 1998, and originally expected to finish the 36,000 miles journey trek in eight years. But numerous displays have ensured he has not completed it yet

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  • 3 months ago
March on Rome – How Mussolini Helped Hitler

100 years later, and we can argue that without the March on Rome, Hitler’s rise to power might never have happened. We might assume that the second world war would not have taken place

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  • 4 months ago
Justinian I – Who was the Man we Thank for Today’s Laws?

Justinian I tasked himself with collecting and codifying existing laws and legal works from the Roman world, and ordered the creation of the Corpus Juris Civis, a three-part compilation

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  • 5 months ago
Mikhail Gorbachev – Achievements and Failures

Mikhail Gorbachev was the last Soviet Leader. He passed away on August 30, 2022, in Moscow, Russia. In 1990, he won the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in ending the Cold War. While he is widely loved ...

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  • 6 months ago
The Poetic Side of Saddam Hussein

Saddam Hussein ruled over Iraq for years and fought two wars with the United States. Many people view him as one of the most evil people in history. At the same time, he managed to write four novels, ...

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  • 7 months ago
Remembering Clara Barton – The Nurse Who Changed the World

Clara Barton was born on December 25, 1821, as Clarissa Harlowe Barton. She was named after the novel Clarissa by Samuel Richardson

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  • 8 months ago
Roland Garros – Who Was He?

When you think of the world of tennis, the Roland Garros Open Tournament is one of the most prestigious and famous championships. Every tennis player in the world wants to win it. Who do you think the...

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  • 10 months ago
Andre Leon Talley – How the Vogue Editor Changed the World

As a black homosexual, Talley broke every taboo in the fashion industry. He was the positive, Black representation the world didn’t know it needed. Talley stood tall, over six feet, and had a lavish...

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  • 10 months ago
Ruby Bridges – How She Fought Racism

For many of us nowadays, going to school doesn’t seem like a big deal. Millions of kids in America do it every day. But in 1960, one young girl’s trip to school became a historic moment in America...

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  • 1 year ago
The Legacy of Magawa, the Rat Hero

In January 2022, Magawa, the African giant pouched rat passed away. He was an unsung hero, one who never knew about his legacy. Magawa sniffed out more than 100 landmines and other explosives in Cambo...

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  • 1 year ago
Ronald McNair – Fighting Discrimination to Become an Astronaut

Ronald McNair showed love for science even at early days, but he had to fight segregation and discrimination to become the second African American in space

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  • 1 year ago
Mercedes Barcha – Wife and Muse of Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Mercedes was next to her husband during his epic work Hundreds Years of Solitude, supported her family and never stopped believing her husband was a genius

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  • 1 year ago
Desmond Doss - First Conscientious Objector to Earn Medal of Honor

Desmond, a fearless World War II medic, he single-handedly saved the lives of 75 American soldiers on the Maeda Escarpment of Okinawa in 1945. He never carried a weapon. During the feat, he treated hi...

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  • 1 year ago
Hermannn Goering – From 2nd Most Powerful Nazi Leader to ashes in a River

Born in January 1893, Goering was a German political and military leader. At one point, he was one of the top 3 most powerful figures in the Nazi Party along with Hitler and Heinrich Himmler

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  • 1 year ago
Joseph Stalin – The Good Things

Stalin consolidated his power after Lenin’s death in 1924. The Georgian revolutionary and political leader ruled the Soviet Union from 1927 until his death in 1953

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  • 1 year ago
Women Heroes in History – Deborah Sampson

Born in December 1760, Deborah Sampson was a Massachusetts woman who disguised herself as a man in order to serve in the Continental Army. She is one of several women with a documented record of milit...

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  • 1 year ago
Peyton Randolph, The Forgotten First President of the US

Peyton Randolph served as the first president of the Continental Congress. He had far less power than the post-independence president, but he was the de facto leader of the United States in the rebell...

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  • 1 year ago
How James Harrison Made a Difference with his Blood Donations

The man from Australia had unusual plasma composition that doctors used to make a treatment for Rhesus disease. Over the years, he made more than 1,000 donations. His donations have saved more than 2....

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  • 1 year ago
Thomas Sankara – Legacy of Charismatic African Leader

Born in December 1949, Thomas was a Burkinabe military officer and socialist revolutionary. He served as President of Burkina Faso from 1983 to 1987. As a Marxist-Leninist and pan-Africanist, many peo...

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  • 1 year ago
6 Things about Isaac Newton that Might Surprise You

His body remains in Westminster Abbey, the resting place of English monarchs, as well as other notable names like Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens, and David Livingstone

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  • 2 years ago
Sabrina Gonzales Pasterski – The Millennial's Einstein?

She recently said, “I don’t know exactly what problem I will or will not end up solving, or what exactly I’ll end up working on in a couple of years. The fun thing about physics is that you don�...

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  • 2 years ago
Noor Inayat Khan – Forgotten WW2 Spy Hero

As an SOE agent, she became the first female wireless operator to be sent from the UK into occupied France. She aided the French Resistance during World War II, which cost her life. She got captured a...

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  • 2 years ago
Notable People with Savant Syndrome

Savants excel in skills related to memory. That includes rapid calculation, artistic ability, map making, and much more. Usually, they have only one exception skill

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  • 2 years ago
Judit Polgar – Real Life Beth Harmon

Born in Hungary, Judit beat Bobby Fischer for the youngest Grandmaster achievement by one month

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  • 2 years ago
10 Notable Alternative Nobel Winners

The original name of this award is Right Livelihood Award. The international award honors and supports those offering practical and exemplary answers to the most urgent challenges we face. Establishe...

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  • 2 years ago
Le Duc Tho – Why he Refused the Nobel Prize Award?

In 1930, he helped found the Indochinese Communist Party with other young revolutionaries. That includes the future leader of North Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh. In 1930, he got arrested by the French for his...

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  • 2 years ago
Corazon Aquino - Legacy of First Female President in Asia

Her presidency started with the end of the dictatorial rule in the Philippines. She was the most prominent figure of the 1986 People Power Revolution, ending the 20-year rule of President Marcos. In 1...

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  • 2 years ago
Hugh O’Flaherty - Unsung Hero of World War II

Son of a steward at the Killarney golf course, Hugh was fluent in Italian and German. He also held three doctorates and was an amateur golf champion. And during World War II, he was known as the Vatic...

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  • 3 years ago
Attila the Hun – Powerful Military Leader who Brought Rome to its Knees

Attila was the ruler of the Huns. He took the empire to unprecedented heights, conquering huge parts of Europe, but also parts of Asia, and Russia

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  • 3 years ago
Vasco da Gama Facts You Do Not Learn in School

His discoveries were made possible after a few years earlier, Bartolomeu Dias found out that the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean were connected. That paved the way for explorers to go to India and other...

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  • 4 years ago
Was William James Sidis the Smartest Person Who Has Ever Lived?

When he was just 5 years old, he could use a typewriter, and had learnt to speak Latin, Greek, Russian, French, German, and Hebrew. He applied for Harvard at the age of 6, but was denied admission. Th...

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  • 4 years ago
Who Was Katsushika Hokusai, the Author of the Great Wave

Some have heard his name, some have not. But we have all seen or know about the Great Wave of Kanagawa, simply called “the Wave”. It is one of the most iconic internationally known pictures. It is...

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  • 4 years ago
Anna Wintour – The Woman behind the Sunglasses

While she has transformed the fashion world over and over again, her style remains a constant. For example, she wears her hair in a signature bob since she was 14

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  • 5 years ago
12 Lesser Known Hugh Hefner Facts

We all remember him as the founder of Playboy magazine. But he was much more

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  • 5 years ago
Amelia Earhart – the woman that changed aviation forever

On May 20, 1932, Earhart broke down barriers as the first female to solo pilot a plane across the Atlantic

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  • 5 years ago
Isadora Duncan – The Beauty of Simple Movements

Her influence transcended dance movements. She inspired a whole new lifestyle. She inspired people to express themselves through dance, be it in a classical institution, or in any other way possible

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  • 6 years ago
Frances Folsom Cleveland: The Woman that Popularized the term “First Lady”

Frances was very unconventional and unique in her own way. The press and especially the Women’s Christian Temperance Union despised her “décolleté gowns”. They thought it was provocative and d...

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  • 6 years ago
Meet Betty Cohen – The Woman who made the 90’s Awesome

Betty Cohen founded Cartoon Network in 1992, and she brought some of our favorite cartoons to life

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  • 6 years ago
Benjamin Franklin the Inventor

Between running a print shop, starting the first lending library in America, engineering the postal system, and helping America during the Revolution, he found time to draw up many devices

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  • 6 years ago
Seven People who should have won Nobel Peace Prize, but didn't

Chemistry, Physiology, Literature, Physics, and Peace are the five Nobel, but the Peace is the most coveted, the most significant, and the most controversial

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  • 6 years ago
Remembering Terry Fox, 22 year old cancer patient

Fox started a journey after his leg was amputated due to cancer. By the end of his run, he ran more than halfway across Canada, or in number, a total of 3,339 miles, 143 days, and raising $23 million ...

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  • 6 years ago
Michael Jordan, the Stories Proving he is not a Human

It’s been almost 20 years after his retirement (not counting the Wizards years), and yet we have yet to see a player displaying more passion, more heart and work ethic as Jordan.

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  • 6 years ago
Ub Iwerks - The Forgotten Man of Disney

When the term Mickey Mouse is brought up, people think of Walt Disney at first. But rarely someone thinks of Ub Iwerks, the man who animated the Mickey cartoons

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  • 6 years ago
7 Most Influential Members of the Skull and Bones Secret Society

With three US presidents, tons of politicians, economic experts and defense experts, the Skull and Bones society boosts influential list of alumni

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  • 7 years ago
The Courageous Story of Irena Sendler

Irena died in May 2008, but her work will never be forgotten, not by Israel, not by many humanitarian people around the world

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  • 7 years ago
Kaspersky - The antivirus mathematician

It all started in 1989, when his personal computer was under the attack of the popular Cascade virus

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  • 7 years ago
Janusz Korczak - the man who refused freedom and stayed with his orphans during Nazi's terror in Poland

The young utopian in the book, King Matt, dreamed of making a better world for children. It is that determination and wish that made Janusz the man he was, one of the few people who were ready and det...

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  • 7 years ago
The Man Who Lives Without Money

Do you ever wonder what life may be like if you were to give up all of your materialistic goods and live without money? That is exactly what Mark Boyle has done, and he is in no hurry to go back to th...

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  • 7 years ago