Latest Articles In Military/War

This category and its content are concerned with different aspects of military, from service to its hierarchy and one of the oldest providences of mankind called war.

The first written record of the word military dates back to 1585. The term itself at that time was spelled militarie and it is derived from the Latin word miles meaning solider. The present day term, as a noun, represents the armed forces of a country, while as an adjective it refers to soldiers and the matters of soldiering. The term is also used to define certain association with the profession e.g. Royal Military Academy.

The commonly accepted contemporary definition of military is that they are the armed forces of a state and their purpose is to protect the interests of that state and its citizens by means of lethal force. Other than defense, military forces are also used in the state of war against another country in an offensive manner.

In a state of peace, as opposed to war, military forces may provide other services or engage in a number of activities within the state. These services and activities may include the promotion of a political agenda, protecting corporate economic interests, internal population control, construction, emergency services and various social ceremonies. Other civil related matters in which military can participate are housing, schools, utilities, food production and banking.

See the World War 2 through the eyes of the crew members of the infamous U-boats. The vessels that brought mayhem wherever they engaged in battle have sailed across the world. Discover what their journey was like and see the actual footage of certain battle scenes and the interviews with the surviving members of the U-boat crews.

Observe the hardships of the recruits within a Marine boot camp and witness their experiences. The documentary on this subject has no central character or narrative which gives you the chance to have a slightly different perspective on the matter.

Uncover the truth behind the sexual offence issues in the US military. The “Invisible War” documentary focuses on the position of women in the US army.

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War of the Bucket – How Italians Once Fought over a Stolen Bucket

According to the legend, the conflict broke out in 1325 after a group of Modenese soldiers dashed into the rival town of Bologna. They absconded with an oak pail full of booty. And added insult was th...

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  • 1 month ago
Viking Wartime Strategies – How they Terrorized Europe for Three Centuries

The term Viking Age refers to the period from the 790s to the late 11th century in Europe. During this period, Viking activity started with raids on Christian lands in England and eventually expanded ...

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  • 5 months ago
Kuril Islands Dispute – Leftover Conflict from World War II

The Kuril Islands are officially a Russian-controlled group of islands off the northern coast of Japan. Though, Japan also lays claim over them. In Japan, they are known as the Northern territories

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  • 7 months ago
Russian Submarine Belgorod – What Makes it so Special?

The submarine was turned over in the port of Severodvinsk, and experts say it is a modified version of Oscar II class guided-missile submarines. They are made longer with the aim to eventually accommo...

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  • 8 months ago
Proxy Wars – How do they Work?

The simple definition is the following, “a proxy war is an armed conflict between two states or non-state actors which act on the instigation or on behalf of other parties that are not directly invo...

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  • 9 months ago
Russia’s Unique Weapons – How Putin Transformed the Army?

Nowadays, Russia can say they have some unique weapons that nobody else in the world has. At least not as modern, efficient, and effective as the Russian weapons. Here are five weapons that Russia can...

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  • 1 year ago
Kamikaze – How Effective were they during WWII?

The infamous suicide missions carried out by Japanese pilots were not enough to defeat the US. Still, the kamikaze aircraft presented a new technology war innovation

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  • 1 year ago
Yamato Battleship – History and Cultural Significance

The Japanese constructed the ship to act as a counter to the numerically superior battleship fleet of the US. Laid down in 1937 and formally commissioned a week after the Pearl harbor attack in 1941, ...

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  • 1 year ago
Battle of Okinawa – Largest Amphibious Assault in the Pacific in WWII

According to some estimates, more than 150,000 civilians were killed or injured in the battle. The US Army lost more than 18,900 soldiers and more than 53,000 suffered injuries

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  • 1 year ago
Why Were Romans so Good in Battle? Best Roman Military Tactics

The Romans remain one of the most successful armies in history. Their battle strategy remains a topic at many universities around the world. What made them so successful?

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  • 1 year ago
Weapons of Mass Destruction – Types and Examples

There are three main types of WMD, biological, chemical, and nuclear. NATO adds radiological to this list. Let’s take a look at the different groups

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  • 2 years ago
Cossacks – The Russian Samurai Soldiers

The Cossacks served as part of the Soviet Army. But after World War II, the units were disbanded. And then during the Perestroika era of the Soviet Union, descendants of the Cossacks began to revive t...

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  • 2 years ago
Diego Garcia – Things You Didn’t Know about American Island Military Base

The main island is a military facility. It is off limits to anyone not on official duty. Some of the uninhabited outer islands can be visited by independent yachters with advance permission. Access to...

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  • 2 years ago
The Six Day War – Six Days Changed the Middle East

The Six Day War lasted from June 5, 1967, up until June 10, 1967. But things started cooking earlier than that. At the end of 1948, Israel’s Arab neighbors had invaded to try to destroy the new stat...

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  • 2 years ago
The Battle of Berlin, What You Didn’t Know about the Fall of Nazi Germany

What if Germany won the battle? Well, even a German victory would not have changed anything at the time. At that point, Germany was way behind in terms of power in the war. Joseph Stalin, the Soviet c...

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  • 2 years ago
China’s Army, Frightening Facts about the Largest Active Army in the World

China has more than 2 million active members of the army, which is much more than what the United States have, for example. And the country also has secret bases for cyber warfare and nuclear capability

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  • 3 years ago
Egypt – Israel Treaty, Model for Successful Peace Treaty

For more than 40 years, Egypt and Israel peace treaty serves as a stabilizing force in the Arab region

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  • 4 years ago
First Live Look at China’ J20, Aircraft Superior to F-22 and F-35

There have been reports in the past few years that the jet had been built in part from plans of US war planes. To be specific, there were plans obtained from the F-22 raptor by Chinese hackers. Beijin...

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  • 4 years ago
Genghis Khan War Tactics – How he Built the Mongol Empire

In 25 short years, Genghis Khan and his army conquered more lands and people than the Roman Empire did during 400-year rule

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  • 4 years ago
9 Facts about US Clandestine agencies to get Your Mind Thinking

Washington Post reported few years ago that there are 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies working on intelligence, homeland security, and counterterrorism in the US

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  • 4 years ago
How women got into the military? A timeline of events

The fight for the right to serve in the military started back during the revolutionary war

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  • 4 years ago
Child Soldiers and Five Other Forgotten WW1 Facts

While WW2 was the deadliest and most cruel war in history of mankind, WW1 carries its own weight

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  • 5 years ago
Little known facts about Mysterious North Korea

It is always unclear and a mystery what will North Korea do, and how other countries will respond

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  • 5 years ago
Unsung Heroes of World War II - Georg Ferdinand Duckwitz

Working as an attache in Denmark during World War II, Duckwitz managed to help 95% of the Jewish population avoid deportation

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  • 5 years ago
Leopard 1 – Germany’s post WW II Battle Tank still in Use

Many of the tanks still in use today are actually part of the A5 series which started production in 1987. The A6 mark was a short-lived attempt to get a more powerful 120mm main gun. But when you thi...

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  • 5 years ago
Iwo Jima, More than just an Influential Photograph

The iconic photograph was taken by Joe Rosenthal and immediately become popular. But Iwo Jima represents much more for American history than just a photograph

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  • 5 years ago
Secrets of Auschwitz – What you don’t know about the infamous Death Camp

The camp has become a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is home of the state museum that attracts more than 1 million visitors per year

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  • 5 years ago
Fort Knox: Secrets, Fun Facts, and the Defense

Fort Knox was originally opened in 1937 as a depository for gold. Nowadays, the building is one of the most secured places, if not the most secured places in the world

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  • 5 years ago
Top 5 Female Warriors you need to Know

History often forgets about them, but the reality is that there have been as many legendary female warriors as male

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  • 6 years ago
How Spartan boys were turned into mighty warriors

There is a reason why Sparta was one of the most powerful cities in Ancient Greece, and it all came down to their army

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  • 6 years ago
Sikes-Picot Agreement - 100 years later

The Sykes-Picot agreement was a secret agreement back then, signed between France and the United Kingdom, with the Russian Empire backing it up. The trio of countries won the War, divided the countrie...

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  • 6 years ago
The Lost Nuke of 1950 - Unanswered questions

The Convair B-36B, with a serial number 44-92075 was the first case of nuclear loss in history, and the B-36 was the first of many “broken arrows” that happened during the cold war

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  • 6 years ago
EU Migrant and Refugee Crisis - What You Need to Know

In September 2015, the EU passed a project which asked EU countries to divide the refugees among themselves. Now, the countries are trying to prevent migrants from getting into the EU

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  • 7 years ago
Top 10 Quotes from World War II

The War started when Germany and Hitler decided to invade Poland, with Hitler delivering speech after speech how Germany has to go to war in order to ensure peace

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  • 7 years ago
Hitler's V3 Super Cannon - The supergun to end WWII

The V-3 supergun worked on a multi-charge principle, and the Nazis planned to bombard London from two underground bunkers where the gun was hidden in northern France

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  • 7 years ago
Queens of Syria - The Story Behind Syria Female Refugees

More than 60 women, refugees from Syria in Jordan, participated in creating a documentary movie about their country

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  • 7 years ago
ISIS stance - US Presidential Candidates

All of the candidates, Republicans and Democrats have their own way of handling things, and different approach

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  • 7 years ago
Janusz Korczak - the man who refused freedom and stayed with his orphans during Nazi's terror in Poland

The young utopian in the book, King Matt, dreamed of making a better world for children. It is that determination and wish that made Janusz the man he was, one of the few people who were ready and det...

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  • 7 years ago
Bombing on Syria – Pros and Cons of a Likely War Scenario

The conflict in Syria is one of the most complex not just in recent history, but in war and military history overall. What is the biggest problem? Every regional and international player wants differe...

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  • 7 years ago
What do Muslims think of ISIS?

Back in 2014, Muslims were criticizing Israel for the attacks on Gaza. Lately, however, ISIS is not getting the same treatment, bearing the question what Muslims think of it?

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  • 7 years ago
Sophie Scholl - One of the first Anti-Nazi Heroes!

Sophie is celebrated as one of the most popular heroes in Germany thanks to her involvement in the White Rose movement

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  • 7 years ago
Syrian Civil War – Quick Timeline Explaining the Story of the Conflict

What started as a protest to president Bashar al-Assad and his regime, turned out to be a massive civil war, with more than 250,000 casualties on both sides, and more than 10 million people now away f...

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  • 7 years ago
You Can Make a Difference! Help Syrian Refugees!

According to statistics from UNHCR, there are more than 4 million refugees in countries close to Syria, such as Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq and Egypt. With no solution to the civil war in sight, mos...

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  • 7 years ago
Nazi Gold Train - Is it Real? Everything you need to know!

While some say the estimated value of the Nazi gold train is priceless, others have tried to calculate its value. According to some historians, the trains hold more than $30 billion of missing treasur...

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  • 7 years ago
José Mireles - The doctor who battles the Mexican drug cartel

Mireles fights the drug cartel because of his personal motivations. Some might say he has a personal vendetta against the Templar cartel. Jose has been kidnapped by the Templars, and several members o...

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  • 7 years ago
The One Mistake that cost Napoleon Bonaparte the battle of Waterloo and the war

The Battle was fought on Sunday, June 18th in 1815. The battle was fought near Waterloo, a municipality in present day Belgium. At the time, Waterloo was part of the Netherlands. The battle was fought...

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  • 7 years ago
George S. Patton versus Erwin Rommel - The tactician's battle during World War II

George S. Patton and Erwin Rommel were two tacticians that fought against each other during some of the crucial battles during the World War II

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  • 7 years ago
How The Curse of Timur's Tomb changed the course of World War II

Timur was one of the most ruthless invaders in the history of mankind. He assumed the title of Great Khan in 1369, and he immediately started a campaign to make the Mongol empire as big as it was duri...

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  • 7 years ago
King Leopold II - The Man who killed more than 10 million people, yet is not not seen as repulsive

A person killing more than 10 million people can easily be identified as a dictator, savage and put in the same sentence with Hitler. However, Leopold is more praised than criticized

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  • 7 years ago
Alexander the Great Military Strategy - How Alexander never lost a battle in 15 years

Large part of Alexander’s success was his army. No commander can win a battle, let alone a war by himself. Alexander, as many others, needed the support of his well-trained army in his conquests. It...

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  • 7 years ago