Latest Articles In Asia

This category is intended for those people who have the desire to explore Earth`s largest continent along with the vast cultural, religious, ethnic, environmental and architectural diversity. The interesting thing about the continent itself is the fact that it is not clearly separated in geographical terms. It is the cultural separation that is commonly accepted.

The landmarks that are considered as the boundaries of Asia are to the east of the Suez Canal, the Ural River, and the Ural Mountains, and south of the Caucasus Mountains (or the Kuma–Manych Depression) and the Caspian and Black Seas. It`s eastern boundary is the Pacific Ocean with the Indian Ocean being at the south, while the Arctic Ocean poses as the northern frontier.

Within the given boundaries, Asia occupies 8.7% of the Earth`s total surface and is a home to an incredible 60% of the entire human population.

Now, for the purpose of giving an insight as to how exactly diverse this incredible continent is, we shall mention some of the video materials that explore in detail the various aspects of that diversity. Before we proceed, keep in mind that, sadly, there is also a dark side of this tale, the one that was ever present since the very beginning of the mankind.

See how the China`s wealthiest people live and their views on the domestic economy and the influence that western countries have there. You shall also have an opportunity to see a day`s work of a rice farmer and perhaps change your view of the thing that you have been taking for granted. Explore from a safe distance what it would be like to live in a “Land of Whispers”, the North Korea, a dark and isolated part of the world with a regime unlike any other. See the remote corners of India and discover beautiful places you have probably never even heard of.

Embark on a journey and discover what was, now is and predictions of what might come to pass on an incredible continent such as Asia. The ever growing list compiled video materials of this category shall enable such a journey from the comfort of your home and perhaps encourage you to go on an expedition and experience vast spaces of Asia first hand.

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Remembering the last time Mount Agung erupted

The November 2017 eruption came more than 50 years since the last eruption of the volcano. Back then, the authorities were not as prepared

  • 5,593
  • 5 years ago
Project Jing-Jin-Ji, how China wants to merge Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei into a supercity with 130 million citizens

The land surface of the new city will cover 212,000 square kilometers and host 130 million citizens. While the two cities and the Hebei region are primary, there will also be secondary, small cities i...

  • 22,670
  • 7 years ago