Latest Articles In Environmental

In order to be able to grasp the concept behind the term environmental, one must be able to define the term environment. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary the conditions that surround someone or something; the conditions and influences that affect the growth, health, progress, etc., of someone or something is called environment.

As an individual branch, environmental science emerged in the 1960s and 1970s. The creational spark was as the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill catastrophe along with the publication of Rachel Carson's book called ‘Silent Spring’ concerning the rising of the environmental issues. In order to resolve environmental issues, several branches were combined with the purpose of producing complex analysis on concerning issues. These branches include ecology, biology, physics, chemistry, zoology, mineralogy, oceanology, limnology, soil science, geology, atmospheric science, geography and geodesy.

Related branches include environmental studies and engineering. The first one is concerned with the human factor and the very perception of environment. The second branch more focused on the development of the technology necessary for the overall improvement of environmental quality.

Now that we have clarified the term and the science behind it, let us move to the content of this particular category. The task at hand here is to give you the profound knowledge on the various environmental issues that we are facing today.

Discover what it is like to live in the most polluted place on Earth. The residents of a coal-mining town of Linfen in China are forced to live in a smog engulfed area with dangerously polluted rivers.

Can you imagine what would be like to live in a completely pollution-free world? Is it possible to have transportation with zero emission, an absolutely renewable energy sources and non-polluted drinking water? Find the answers to these questions in a documentary that we provided for you.

Explore the origin of life itself and learn what you can do to prevent the ongoing transformation of Earth from a place we call home to an inhabitable planet. Certain scientists predict that in the matter of ten years natural resources will be utterly spent and the climate drastically changed.

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The Line – A 170km Long Skyscraper City in Saudi Arabia

According to Saudi Arabia officials, the city will create around 460,000 jobs and add $48 billion to the country’s GDP

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  • 2 months ago
Amazon River Amazing Geography Facts

No matter what, it is amazing that the Amazon River is one of the longest and most amazing. The quantity of fresh water released to the Atlantic Ocean is enormous, 184,000 m3 per second in the rainy s...

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  • 8 months ago
Sky Bridge 721 – Everything You Need to Know about the Longest Suspension Bridge

Opened to the public in May 2022, the bridge offers views of the landscape. It spans the Miynsky Stream valley from the ridge of Slamnik Mountain to the ridge of Chlum mountain. It is 1,125m above sea...

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  • 10 months ago
The Crystal Caverns, Mexico – Beautiful but Deadly

They are extremely hot, one factor that makes them hard to explore for visitors. The largest known crystal found in the caverns is a crystal that is 39ft in length, 13ft in diameter, and weighs 55tons

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  • 1 year ago
Sea Otters – Amazing Endangered Species Animals

For more than 40 years, the conservation status of sea otters remains unchanged. Their future remains uncertain. In the past several years, sea otter population growth has stalled. There are many hurd...

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  • 1 year ago
Worst Earthquake Disasters in History

So far in history, there have been a couple of earthquakes that left cities in ruins behind them

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  • 2 years ago
How Diet Affects Gender

Diet can alter estrogen and testosterone levels significantly, which further impact the development of human physical form.

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  • 2 years ago
Overfishing - Putting the entire ocean system at risk

Damage done by overfishing goes beyond the marine environment. People rely on fish for protein. Fish is also the principal livelihood of millions of people around the world

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  • 3 years ago
What Is so Special About Surtsey Island, a Place Tourists Can Never Visit?

Surtsey Island provides scientists with a nature laboratory they can use to explore colonization of new land by plants, animals, birds, and insects

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  • 4 years ago
Joyxee Island – eco-friendly floating paradise made of plastic bottles

The island is located in Isla Mujeres Bay near Cancun city in Mexico. It has a three-storey house with two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom. The house has all the amenities that you expect from a m...

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  • 4 years ago
Top 7 Strange and Weird Looking Mushrooms

We are all accustomed to the regular type mushrooms, the champignons mushrooms. That is just one of the many hundreds of mushrooms

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  • 4 years ago
Svalbard Global Seed Vault – Our Doomsday Scenario Vault

The Nordic Gene Bank stores backup Nordic plants since 1984. They do it via frozen seeds in an abandoned coal mine. In 2008, the bank merged with two other Nordic conservation groups to form NordGen. ...

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  • 4 years ago
Remembering the last time Mount Agung erupted

The November 2017 eruption came more than 50 years since the last eruption of the volcano. Back then, the authorities were not as prepared

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  • 5 years ago
Ten Interesting Facts about Reindeer

Did you know they are the only mammal that can see ultraviolet light? And how the connection to Santa was born?

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  • 6 years ago
Five Architecture Designs that will change future

Since 2008, Berlin in Germany gathers top architects for the World Architectural Festival. The annual event focuses mostly on groundbreaking international projects

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  • 6 years ago
Where did all the animals go? Decline of Animal Species through numbers

In the past 50 years, the human population has gone from 3.3 billion, to 7.4 billion. In the same time, animal population has delved, with some species going extinct, while others have gone from commo...

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  • 6 years ago
New Animal Species Develop Thanks to Human Intervention

Some of the new species are hybrids, some of them thrive in human-dominated world, and some still enjoy the solitude of the wilderness

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  • 6 years ago
Thousand Trees Paris - The New Eco Symbol of Paris

While the project won’t replace the Eiffel Tower probably as the Parisian icon, it will certainly put another icon in the City of Lights

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  • 6 years ago
Climate Change Scary Facts to Get You Thinking

Some 10 years ago, leading experts on the field were saying there is still time. Nowadays, the urgency is to act now, and sooner rather than later

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  • 7 years ago
Hamburg Green City - The Plan Explained

The plan, called the “Green Network”, will cover 40% of the area of the city, connecting parks, gardens, cemeteries, recreational areas and playgrounds with green paths

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  • 7 years ago
Manchester - The Exotic City of 20 Languages

There are 20 main languages in Manchester, but the census in 2011 showed that there are 153 languages that at least one person in the city speaks

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  • 7 years ago
Gülhane Park in Istanbul - The most beautiful flower park in Europe

Gulhane is a park for all seasons, no matter if it is spring when the tulips bloom, or winter

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  • 7 years ago
Oslo can become the first European city without cars

The idea of making Oslo the first European city with comprehensive ban on cars in the city center is bold, but the effects on daily life may not be as dramatic as they sound at first glance

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  • 7 years ago
The Village Furore in Italy is the most mysterious place the country

The village Furore is commonly known as “the hidden beauty of Neverland”. The village has a long history and tradition, but until few years ago, it wasn’t observed on any map

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  • 7 years ago
The Lifestory of Cecil the Lion - From endangered species to a legend

On July 1, Walter Palmer, a hunter and dentist from the US, wounded Cecil with an arrow. Just 40 hours later, he killed the lion with a rifle. Palmer admitted that he wanted the lion’s head for his ...

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  • 7 years ago
Can Sahara power Europe? Tunisia's plan for Gigantic Solar Farm might make it possible

The plan by Nur Power suggests that the company harness the solar energy from Sahara. The plan is to build a solar farm in Tunisia that will grow up to 100 square kilometers by 2018. By placing thousa...

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  • 7 years ago
Mount Meru - The underrated coveted prize of the Himalayas

The main reason Meru is known as the Anti-Everest is that few people within the climbing community, and almost nobody outside of it know about it. And unlike Everest, Meru peak is more of a high-altit...

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  • 7 years ago
The Man Who Lives Without Money

Do you ever wonder what life may be like if you were to give up all of your materialistic goods and live without money? That is exactly what Mark Boyle has done, and he is in no hurry to go back to th...

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  • 7 years ago