Latest Articles In Drugs

One of the common definitions of the term drug is that it is a chemical substance capable of affecting a human or animal body on a biological level. The documentaries and video materials compiled in this category are exploring the wide specter of the application of drugs. Due to the unique properties that some of these drugs have they have been used for various purposes.

A number of drugs found its application in fields such as medicine, spiritual and religious purposes. Others can be used even for self-improved or recreational purposes. Some of these drugs are extremely addictive or toxic and their consumption has been banned by the law.

There is number of ways in which drugs can be administered. The most common method of consumption is the oral intake of solid or liquid drug. Certain drugs can be injected in a form of a solution, often intramuscular or intravenous. Other methods of consumption include inhalation, insufflation and topical application.

Today, new drugs are constantly being discovered in the fields of medicine, biotechnology and pharmacology and the possibilities in the terms of application are practically endless. The global drug market, legal or illegal, is in a constant demand for existing and new products alike. That, in turn, raises countless moral, ethical and health and legal issues revolving around the manufacturing, distribution and consumption of drugs.

Find out how some of these drug related issues are being resolved across the globe. Follow the stories of people battling with their drug addictions. Discover the incredible story of the history of tobacco and the impact it had on the British economy. Observe the present day situation in the tobacco industry. Enter the world of professional athletes and see how, unlike most of them, some reach for the artificial substances in order to develop their muscles and boost their overall body performance.

The staggering fact is that most people today, during their lifespan, consume more than 14.000 different prescription medications including anti-depressants, antibiotics and cholesterol regulation tablets, painkillers, even pills to extend youth or sexual performance enhancers. The material we provided for you in this category is utterly educational and gives you an insight of the good and the bad side of drugs.

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Ayahuasca – Benefits, Retreats and Sexual Abuse Controversy

Ayahuasca is a psychoactive brew used both socially and as ceremonial spiritual medicine. It is traditional among the indigenous people of the Amazon basin

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  • 1 year ago
How Rich Was Pablo Escobar at his Height? Let’s Check Out!

In the middle of the 1980s, when he was at his absolute best, Escobar’s cartel earned more than $420 million per week. That is more than $22 billion per year

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How to Detoxify the Pineal Gland

The pineal gland is believed to play a vital role in consciousness. Detoxifying it can be helpful in attaining higher levels of consciousness.

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How Diet Affects Gender

Diet can alter estrogen and testosterone levels significantly, which further impact the development of human physical form.

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  • 2 years ago
7 Highly Successful People that Battled Alcoholism

It is widely described that alcohol can cause problems in your normal functioning. And while alcohol is a recipe for disaster, for some people, it was part of their success

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19 Addictive Facts about Heroin

The substance enters the brain rapidly, and then changes back into morphine. Heroin binds to opioid receptors on cells located in the brain, and binds mostly to cells involved in feelings of pain and ...

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How the Gulf Cartel, Juárez Cartel and the Sinaloa Cartel control the drug trafficking routes

Despite being in war, the three cartels have often allied to fight the greater good. At the moment, there are two factions in Mexico, one leaded by the Sinaloa Cartel and the Gulf Cartel, with the Kni...

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  • 7 years ago
José Mireles - The doctor who battles the Mexican drug cartel

Mireles fights the drug cartel because of his personal motivations. Some might say he has a personal vendetta against the Templar cartel. Jose has been kidnapped by the Templars, and several members o...

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Five HIV/Aids conspiracy theories

And as is the case with many other viruses, there are countless of conspiracy theories about the origin of the virus. People always talk, but in the case of HIV/AIDS, an argument can be made for some ...

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