How Diet Affects Gender

How Diet Affects Gender

Diet can alter estrogen and testosterone levels significantly, which further impact the development of human physical form.

Estrogen is a hormone which is vital to overall human health, and especially important for the reproductive development of women. The amount of estrogen present must remain balanced to sustain a healthy body. Women are especially receptive to its health benefits, those of reproductive age require a much higher concentration of it than men.

Phytoestrogens are plant compounds with chemical structures similar enough to estrogen that they can bind to estrogen receptors. There is a wide variety of phytoestrogen compounds, some of which cause estrogenic effects, while others can be anti-estrogenic and block the receptors from receiving estrogen.

Due to its complex range of effects on the body, optimal levels of phytoestrogen intake remain a controversial topic in the health department. Almost all existing research on it is funded by corporate elites with personal agendas such as profit maximization and even biological engineering on a societal scale. Health risks are usually overlooked, and often methodically suppressed. Overabundance of phytoestrogen can be especially detrimental to male health due to the imbalance of estrogen and testosterone.

How to increase Estrogen?

Soy products are very commonly used in modern industrial food production, and they are very rich in phytoestrogens. Several research studies have linked phytoestrogen intake to possible health benefits such as reduced blood pressure, reduced risk of certain cancers, decreased inflammation and lowered cholesterol.

Men should take extra precautions regarding dietary phytoestrogen. Excessive intake is linked to reduced male fertility and the decline of several other masculine characteristics including but not limited to musculature, bone structure, and mental health. Obese men are also known to have increased estrogen production, which further facilitates weight gain and hormonal imbalances. If left unchecked, the decline of masculine characteristics can become internally compensated for by an increase in female characteristics, resulting in an alteration of physical form. This effects the body on a cellular level as it can degenerate the Y chromosome. This can even cause men to Men to develop breasts and enlarged hips.

How to increase Testosterone?

Vitamin D is linked to long life and testosterone production. It is produced in the skin by UV irradiation, but can also be absorbed from food. Certain beans, meat, and especially seafood, tend to be rich in vitamin D as well as zinc, which is required for testosterone production. Older men are especially prone to hormonal imbalance due to age-related testosterone decline.

Staying physically fit and maintaining a lower body fat percentage is an excellent way to maintain healthy testosterone levels. Smokers are also known to have overall higher levels of testosterone, but there are contradictory findings regarding the interaction with estrogen.

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