Sky Bridge 721 – Everything You Need to Know about the Longest Suspension Bridge


/ published 10 months ago

Sky Bridge 721 – Everything You Need to Know about the Longest Suspension Bridge

Opened to the public in May 2022, the bridge offers views of the landscape. It spans the Miynsky Stream valley from the ridge of Slamnik Mountain to the ridge of Chlum mountain. It is 1,125m above sea level on one side and 1,135m above sea level on the other side

Czech Republic recently opened the world’s longest suspension bridge. Called Sky Bridge 721, it is a suspension footbridge built in the village of DOlni Morava. The bridge is 721 meters long and is located at a height of 95m off the ground.
Opened to the public in May 2022, the bridge offers views of the landscape. It spans the Miynsky Stream valley from the ridge of Slamnik Mountain to the ridge of Chlum mountain. It is 1,125m above sea level on one side and 1,135m above sea level on the other side.

The Czech Republic also opened the educational nature trail, called The Bridge of Time. It was prepared with elements of augmented reality in cooperation with the Museum of Czechoslovak Fortifications of 1935-1938. A game with ten educational panels covers the topic of environmental protection and how to behave in nature.

Breathtaking numbers

To better understand how large the world’s longest suspension bridge is, let’s take a look at the numbers.
- 721 meters long, making it the longest suspension bridge
- 95m is the highest point above ground level
- 1,110-1,116m, the highest point above sea level
- There are 6 main supporting ropes and 60 wind ropes of various diameters
- The active force of each of the 6 main ropes is 360t
- 1,2m is the width of the walkway

- 2km is the length of the educational trail, the Bridge of Time
- It took 2 years to build the bridge

More than a Bridge

Sky Bridge 721 is not just a structure. It is a bridge that conveys the idea of time. Crossing this majestiv bridge of the valley of the Mlynsky stream provides visitors and tourists a unique opportunity to learn more about the local history and countryside.
From the moment the bridge opened for tourists, its pictures went viral on social media.
The bridge was under construction for nearly two years. The walkway promises spectacular sights of the Jesensky mountains, but also a slightly terrifying experience.

It connects two mountain ridges and can be accessed by cable car. According to local media reports, construction cost nearly $8.4 million.
The bridge is 154m longer than the Nepal’s Baglung Parbat Footbridge, which currently holds the Guinness World Record for longest suspension footbridge.
Visitors can come by a car, it is just 2.5-hour drive from Prague, the capital of the country.
Australian blogger Victoria Fellner visited the bridge as part of the preview event, and said, “I was afraid that the suspension bridge would shake a lot, but it wasn’t that bad. The view is really impressive and you can even see the forest below through the trellis.
The area, Dolni Morava, is a vacation spot that is also home to ski slopes, alpine roller coaster, a mountaintop restaurant and an attraction called the Sky Walk, which is a curved structure with a wooden walkway.

The Educational Trail

One of the integral parts of the Sky Bridge 721 is the educational trail, called The Bridge of Time. The trail starts at a light fortification construction. Visitors go through a 2-km long trail with educational panels.
There are a total of 8 educational panels, as well as a connected interactive game with tasks. All of the tasks and panels are thematically and chronically ordered so that after the walk along the marked routes, visitors return to the present.

It will take visitors about one hour to complete the game and trail. And then they get back to the starting point.
To play the game, visitors need only an ordinary smartphone supporting GPS. It can be either an Android phone or an iOS operated phone. The game activates itself automatically at the first educational panel on the trail. Then, all you have to do is listen to your hero who will guide you through the story.
The unique script, custom recorded video scenes, and interactive reality on your phone’s display will transform what is a simple trip into something extraordinary.

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