
The term is derived from the Greek ‘techne’ meaning art, skill, cunning of hand and the suffix ‘logia’ meaning ‘the study of’. By definition it is the collection of tools, including machinery, modifications, arrangements and procedures used by humans.

Different technologies significantly affect human as well as other animal species' ability to control and adapt to their natural environments. The term itself can either be applied generally or to specific areas such as construction technology, medical technology and information technology.

There is an ongoing philosophical debate over the influence of technology on mankind. Movements such as Neo-Luddism and Anarcho-Primitivism argue that it harms the environment and alienates people, while ideologies such as transhumanism and techno-progressivism consider technology to be beneficial to society and the human condition.

Throughout history technology has constantly evolved, beginning with the basic stone tools, mastering the fire, to the metal tools, energy and transport, and finally to the present day and the astonishing achievements in every technological aspect.

The use of primitive technology is recorded in some animal species as well. These include primates such as chimpanzees, dolphins and crows. The gorilla males, for example, use a branch as a walking stick in order to safely get across a river. A West African chimpanzee uses stone hammers for cracking nuts.

The documentaries and video materials compiled in this category are concerned with the technological advancement throughout the history.

The ever burning question of are we alone in the universe might already have an answer that is deliberately being hidden from the majority of the population. See the leaked U.S. government documents and bare witness the gravity of the implications that they have. Discover the truth about the light bulb conspiracy and see if the everyday products that you use have an intentionally shortened life span.

Explore the origin of life itself and learn what you can do to prevent the ongoing transformation of Earth from a place we call home to an inhabitable planet. Certain scientists predict that in the matter of ten years natural resources will be utterly spent and the climate drastically changed.

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If you ask Bill Gates what is his biggest mistake, he will tell you straight ahead, it was Android. Microsoft, the company he founded, is well-known for its software. And acc...

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The term screen can be used to for a flat surface in a cinema, a flat surface on a television, part of a computer, and much more.Nowadays, we live in a world of screen. They a...

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In the early days of spaceflight, if NASA needed to plot a rocket’s path or confirm a computer’s calculations, they asked Katherine Johnson to do it. She is known as “the h...

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In the past few years, NASA has been in the center of attention. The National Space administration managed to launch a new mission on Mars. Project InSight successfully lande...

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There is no denying that Artificial intelligence is the future of mankind. The question is just how much we will let AI enter our world. And how fast it will happen?You shoul...

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Mars has become the next frontier for science for many years now. After we’ve landed on the Moon, Mars became the logical step forward.And since that moment, we’ve been t...

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Bill Gates has been one of the 3 richest people in the world for the past several years. And it is all thanks to Microsoft. He is no longer CEO of the company he founded, b...

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The Venus Project, Founded by Jacque Fresco, proposes an alternative vision of what the future can be. According to the Project, we as humans are mostly responsible for what ...

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Jacque Fresco was born on March 13th in 1916. He is an American futurist and self-described social engineer, inventor and designer. Fresco is self-educated and has worked in a mixe...

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Many of us drive a car on regular basis. We enter the car, start it, put it in drive, and go. But have you ever asked yourself how does transmission work? You know that when ...

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Fun fact: the bomber is called B2 and it costs $2 billion to make it. Coincidence? Probably!The B2 stealth bomber is the most advanced heavy penetration strategic bomber, fea...

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