
First of all let us define the basic meaning of the term health. One of the definitions is that it is the level of functional efficiency of a living organism. According to the WHO (World Health Organization) definition given in 1947, health is “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.

Through observation and meticulous study of various stages of health, mankind discovered that there was a number of ways in which health could be affected and an equal number of ways in which that could be remedied. That was the birth of medicine, a science or a practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. It encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness. Since that time medicine has ever evolved and the administrative apparatus followed.

Today, when it comes to health there are many important issues to consider such as personal health, diet and exercise, nutrition and the importance of vaccination or dental care. Other significant matters are public health and the issues that accompany it or the branches of science concerned with health in general and the health care organization policies.

The documentaries and video materials in this category contain all of the relevant information on the issues of health, both mental and physical, health care systems and the evolution of the health related branches of science.

Follow the incredible story of people with different medical conditions who venture into the depths of the Amazon in quest for the cure for their condition. Discover the truth behind the unethical behavior of the leading pharmaceutical companies and how their sales representatives conduct business. Are chemicals that prevent tooth decay, in fact, the cause of a series of medial issues including infant mortality, congenital defects and other similar conditions?

Find the answers to these questions in a shocking, book based, documentary offering evidence to support these claims. Also have a chance to see the downside of excessive exercise in aspiring teenage bodybuilders and how this particular lifestyle regime can lead to serious medical issues.

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cancer patient
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Health +1

We still haven’t found real cure for cancer. There are always studies that show X fruit, or X vegetable can help slow down cancer, prevent cancer, and in some cases, treat ...

  • 2,212
  • 4 years ago
  • 10(2)
scoliosis surgery
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More than 25,000 people on a yearly basis suffer from a severe case of scoliosis, to the point they require surgery. Spinal fusion is the most frequently performed surgical p...

  • 2,357
  • 4 years ago
  • Not Rated
abu al qasim
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Health +1

Abu al-Qasim, popularly known as Al-Zahrawi, is considered the father of modern surgery. He is a proof that many of the things we have nowadays, have Islamic heritage. A lot ...

  • 5,264
  • 4 years ago
  • 4(3)
fluoride controversy
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Is fluoride bad for you? Should you be concerned about sodium fluoride being in your water or toothpaste? Learn why Sweden, Norway, Austria, Finland, China and more countries...

  • 6,259
  • 4 years ago
  • 10(3)
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Health +2

Cryotherapy started as a scientific method for prolonging life. People, and scientists, are always looking for a way to “cheat death” and live longer.And while using tech...

  • 2,930
  • 4 years ago
  • Not Rated
rheumatoid arthritis solutions
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Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most common diseases and conditions nowadays. Technically, there is no cure for the condition. It is something you have to live with till t...

  • 4,903
  • 4 years ago
  • 6.3(7)
discovery of hormones
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Health +1

Hormones are part of our daily life. When you think of hormones, there are more than just the usual suspects, the estrogen and testosterone.In fact, there are many more hormo...

  • 4,108
  • 4 years ago
  • 10(1)
dangerous chemicals
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We talk about chemicals and toxins on a daily basis. What chemicals we breathe through the air. What chemicals are there in the water. Are there any chemicals in the food we ...

  • 3,206
  • 4 years ago
  • 7.7(3)
fetus development
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Health +1

What happens with you before you are born? How you develop in the womb? At what point you are really human, and not just an embryo?Legal departments have been fighting on this...

  • 6,774
  • 4 years ago
  • 2(1)
social anxiety disorder
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Not all of us are able to talk and communicate with people in public. What seems like a simple task, is a big struggle for some people. Social anxiety disorders are gainin...

  • 4,059
  • 4 years ago
  • 1(1)
interview with alcoholic
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We have all met a person who is alcoholic once in our life. Some of us live with them on a daily basis. Some of us have relatives that are alcoholic.Such is the case with the...

  • 3,230
  • 4 years ago
  • 10(1)
modern day miracles
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Health +1

Miracles happen to those who believe in them. It is a saying you’ve probably heard at one point in your life. But do miracles really happen? Well, this is a documentary sho...

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  • 4 years ago
  • 10(1)
luciana wulkan
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A rare disease is turning Luciana Wulkan into a human statute. She is suffering from Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva, or FOP. The extremely rare connective tissue disea...

  • 5,789
  • 4 years ago
  • 10(1)
cancer and HIV
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Drugs +2

It is just remarkable how far our medicine and technology have come. Some 100 years ago, people were dying because of the common cold. The flu virus was causing epidemics. No...

  • 6,635
  • 4 years ago
  • 9.4(7)
smallpox virus
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Health +1

Smallpox is a disease that we have effectively erased from the Earth. The World Health Organization deemed “smallpox” as dead in 1980. However, we are constantly trying t...

  • 5,362
  • 5 years ago
  • 9(2)
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According to the World Health Organization, two billion people are infected Mycobacterium tuberculosis, or the bacteria that causes tuberculosis. That is almost one third of ...

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  • 5 years ago
  • 10(1)
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Health +1

Schizophrenia is one of the worst mental disorders. It is characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to understand reality. Some of the common symptoms include fal...

  • 4,489
  • 5 years ago
  • 10(4)
junk food misconception
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It has been one of the main health premises for a number of years now. Scientists, doctors, and nutritionists have been trying to tell us that diet is crucial for our health....

  • 7,077
  • 5 years ago
  • Not Rated

Imagine being allergic to your hair growing. Or being allergic to exercise, yet you want to practice gymnastics. Such is the story of Natasha Coates, a 22 year old girl who i...

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  • 5 years ago
  • Not Rated
drug trial
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Drugs +2

Some 11 years ago, eight healthy young men took part in a clinical trial of an experimental leukemia drug known as TGN1412. At first glance, it was a clinical trial like ever...

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  • 5 years ago
  • Not Rated
science myths
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You have probably heard the saying “a glass of wine a day is a healthy”. Of course you have. It is one of the marketing secrets of the wine industry. Now, without sayi...

  • 4,798
  • 5 years ago
  • 4.3(3)
good bacteria
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Health +2

For a long time, microorganisms, and bacteria specifically, have been associated with plagues and epidemics. Bacteria are everywhere around us. They live in the ground, in...

  • 7,986
  • 5 years ago
  • 6.8(4)
India water
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For many people in the world, clean water is a commodity. But in some areas of the world, clean water is a luxury many cannot afford. Which is why water is one of the most pr...

  • 4,045
  • 5 years ago
  • Not Rated
opioid crisis
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Drugs +2

American president Donald Trump recently declared opioid crisis as “public health emergency”. Facts show that more than two million Americans are dependent on or abused p...

  • 5,966
  • 5 years ago
  • 5.2(6)
PTSD survivor
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PTSD is a syndrome most Americans are familiar with. A Post traumatic stress disorder is something many of the soldiers suffer from. Back from wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, or a...

  • 2,911
  • 5 years ago
  • 10(1)
1918 flu pandemic
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Health +1

The 1918 flu pandemic was one of the deadliest and most vicious pandemics in history of mankind. An unusually deadly influence, the 1918 flu pandemic was different than previ...

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  • 5 years ago
  • 7(1)
smile train
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A cleft lip and cleft palate are facial and oral malformations that occur early in pregnancy. This happens when the baby is developing inside the mother, but the malformation...

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  • 5 years ago
  • 10(1)
heart health
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Health +1

Imagine if your heart can repair itself? At the moment, it is just a theory and a research. The research, conducted by a tissue engineering and biomaterials science teams fro...

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  • 5 years ago
  • 10(3)
ocean's call
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Health +1

Claire Cordell was diagnosed with cancer as a little child. This is the story of how the Make a Wish Foundation fulfilled her big wish. She had a love for swimming since s...

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  • 5 years ago
  • Not Rated
life in prison
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Crime +2

The documentary focuses on one very important question: Should people sentence to life in prison be allowed to die in the convenience of their home if they are sick. Or in ot...

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  • 5 years ago
  • Not Rated
drugs two
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Health +1

Psilocybin mushrooms, or also known as a psychedelic mushrooms are mushrooms that contain psilocin. A naturally occurring psychedelic compound, psilocybin can be found in mor...

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  • 5 years ago
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pagpag philippines
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For Nomads, eating leftovers from supermarkets and garbage disposals is something normal. There is even a term for that “dumpster diving”. In the past few years, some eve...

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  • 6 years ago
  • Not Rated
nyaope drug
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Drugs +2

Hamilton Morris is a journalist who wants to explore the world of drugs. More specifically, he explores the area of psychopharmacology, a branch of psychology concerned with ...

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  • 6 years ago
  • 6(5)
forks over knives
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Back in 2011, we got one of the best food documentaries. It has been six years since, and we still haven’t addressed the main issue of the documentary. Forks over knives...

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  • 6 years ago
  • 5.6(16)
1918 influenza
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Health +2

When a person sick by flu sneezes or coughs, more than half a million virus particles can spread to those that are close to the infected person. During the World War I, incre...

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  • 6 years ago
  • Not Rated
mental asylums
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Health +1

Shocking. Do humans really do this to humans? Are we the most barbarous creatures of all? Those are just some thoughts that will come to mind after watching this fascinating ...

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  • 6 years ago
  • 7.7(3)
burmese cuisine
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Burma might be a small country, at least compared to other Asian powerhouses like India and China. The country, now officially known as Myanmar has a population of just 53 mi...

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  • 6 years ago
  • 5(1)
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Health +2

One of the most controversial topics in the past several years is vaccines. As in, should we ban vaccines or should we not? Should we vaccine our children or should we not?The ques...

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  • 6 years ago
  • 8.6(27)
birth control pills
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Health +3

Birth control pills are one of the most controversy subjects of the past few years. A pile of articles has been written on the subject. There are people that are pro birth co...

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  • 6 years ago
  • 8.1(181)
magic johnson hiv
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Health +2

25 years ago, Magic Johnson surprised and shocked the world announcing he will retire from the NBA because he is HIV positive. But Johnson returned shortly to the court. He retired...

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  • 6 years ago
  • 7(1)
Nancy Frates
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Almost everyone you know knows a thing or two about the Ice Bucket Challenge. The trend that went viral in 2014 was one of the most popular campaigns in history of social media. ...

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  • 6 years ago
  • Not Rated
the nightmare
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Health +1

Sleep paralysis is a common, yet underrated phenomenon in modern world. To put it simply, it is a phenomenon in which “an individual, either during falling asleep or awakening,...

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  • 6 years ago
  • 6.4(14)
Ramanan Laxminarayan
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Drugs +4

Professor Ramanan Laxminarayan graduated at Princeton, and for the past several years he has worked as Vice-President for Research and Policy at the Public Health Foundation of I...

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  • 6 years ago
  • Not Rated
drug addicts
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Drugs +2

According to statistics, one in three British adults has taken an illegal substance once in his life, and one fifth of those are still using illegal substances. And that is d...

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  • 6 years ago
  • 6(13)
El diario de una anorexica
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She shares her most intimate moments, stories and what has happened that brought her to the condition. And then she shares how she battles anorexia, the challenges and obstacles ...

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  • 6 years ago
  • 10(1)
childhood trauma
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Health +1

We all know that some traumas stay with us forever. But do you know that there is actually tangible effect on the development of the brain caused by childhood trauma?Childhood tr...

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  • 6 years ago
  • 10(1)
FDA conspiracy
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Health +2

The question you need to ask yourself is whether you should allow the government decide which foods you need to eat, and which medicines you need to use. Do you want to allow the...

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  • 6 years ago
  • 9.3(3)
animals mental health
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Health +1

Did you know that dogs get depressed too? Or that cats can suffer from OCD? Separation anxiety anyone?We often say that animals are just like us humans, but we forget how true th...

  • 4,484
  • 6 years ago
  • Not Rated
type 1 diabetes
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Health +2

What if we tell you that three minutes of a documentary is more than enough to learn everything you need to know about a certain disease?Loading Docs is a series of documentaries...

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  • 6 years ago
  • 10(3)
muscle condition
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Health +1

For most of us, muscles are under our control. But how do our muscles work? And are there conditions that cause our muscles to stop working?For some people, their muscles are the...

  • 11,447
  • 6 years ago
  • 5.9(10)
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