Cry of a River: The trouble with India’s toilets and drinking water

  • Published 5 years ago
  • Not Rated

For many people in the world, clean water is a commodity. But in some areas of the world, clean water is a luxury many cannot afford. Which is why water is one of the most precious natural resources.

We can live several days without food, but we won’t survive without water. It is shameful how lousy we treat water. The result is only 1% of the world reserves are safely drinkable.

Clean water is one of the common issues in India. Even though people in India worship the River Ganges, the water is not as clean as you would think. The problem is proper disposal of human waste, a pressing issue in India.

Proper toilets are a rarity in rural areas. Because of poverty, millions of villagers never even considered installing a regular toilet. We know defecating in streets and fields is unsanitary and will contaminate the water, but it is just a reality in India.

The government in India is constantly trying to educate the villagers, and address the problem with financial support. But it is just an enormous country, and the government cannot get to every inch of it. As a result, some local water reserves in India are unfit for agriculture and human consumption.

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