
The term politics originates from the Greek word “politicos” meaning "of, for, or relating to citizens. History of political thought can be traced back to early antiquity, with works such as Plato's Republic and Aristotle's Politics.

It is considered to be the practice and theory of influencing other people on a global, civic or individual level. More specifically it refers to achieving and exercising positions of governance or organized control over a human community, particularly a state.

As a science it is concerned with the study or practice of the distribution of power and resources within a given community, a hierarchically organized population, as well as the interrelationship between communities. The methods that are employed in politics include the promotion of political views, establishment of the political relationships with other parties of interest, constitution of various laws, authorization of the use of force at the time of war, etc.

From its origin to the present day, politics was implemented on different levels of social structures from tribes and clans to the contemporary governing apparatus or on the international level.

The documentaries and video materials complied in this category are concerned with the various aspects of human enterprises in the political sense or with a certain political influence.

See the complexity of a political system in a small town of Sagada in the Philippines. Discover the motifs behind the planning of a wedding during elections. Explanations are provided by the Richard Yodong, a deputy-major candidate.

Explore a different side of the political capitol Brussels, Belgium and see how the armies of 15.000 lobbyists are influencing the political, social and business decisions made there. On the opposite side are the political activists, well aware of the current situation, fighting against the corruption of the system. The documentary follows two people from the opposing sides.

Follow an ongoing controversial issue in the USA concerning the gun laws. Te old division of North and South has flared up once more. As opposed to Washington, the Arizona majority is still supporting the free gun laws. Their opinion was not changed despite the recent gun massacre in Tucson.

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Bloody Cartoons
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Media +3

Bloody Cartoons is a documentary about how and why 12 drawings in a Danish provincial paper could turn a small country in a confrontation with Muslims around the world.He asks whet...

  • 6,637
  • 8 years ago
  • 5.7(3)
An Alfred Hitchcock documentary on the Nazi Holocaust
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Crime +5

A film the British Government deemed too grisly for release after World War II – has received its public debut on British television. Fifteen minutes of the black-and- white film...

  • 12,219
  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated
Zeitgeist: Addendum
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Second documentary, Zeitgeist: Addendum, attempts to locate the root causes of this pervasive social corruption, while offering a solution.This solution is not based not on politic...

  • 3,210
  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated
Zeitgeist The Movie – Documentary And Review
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This is the movie that everyone needs to see. While many will refute a lot of the 9/11 evidence brought to the attention of the viewer the ultimate message is one that is important...

  • 4,803
  • 8 years ago
  • 10(3)
Yugoslavia: The Avoidable War
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The Wests intervention in the Balkan wars of the 1990s was extremely controversial at the time and now through the lens of history perhaps more controversial. Yugoslavia: The Avoid...

  • 5,081
  • 8 years ago
  • 5.5(2)
We Are Legion – The Story of the Hacktivists
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"Hackers take on the big boys… Anonymous nameless faces have a major impact on how the internet is used and wish to show that they wish the freedom of speech, secifically on the ...

  • 4,133
  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated
USA – Freedom To Fascism Documentary
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An incredible insight into the US income tax system and how it applies to very few of the population. A startling look at government manipulation and control of the masses.

  • 2,291
  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated
THE WOODCUTTERS – Or how to bring down a dictatorship
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THE WOODCUTTERS is a short documentary that tells the story of three men at the heart of the fight to bring down a tyrannical regimeIn Niger 2009, the country was on the brink. The...

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  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated
The Times of Harvey Milk
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Directed by Rob Epstein, the Times of Harvey Milk looks at the life and political career of San Francisco’s first openly gay counselor, Harvey Milk. His rise from a community act...

  • 8,101
  • 8 years ago
  • 10(2)
The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes
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This is simply a must see demonstration by one eloquent young girl explaining to the UN how things are in the world. This was totally unexpected from someone so young and you can s...

  • 5,988
  • 8 years ago
  • 10(2)
The Fundamentalists
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For most people the word conjures up images of fundamentalist terrorism.This documentary tells how this phenomenon, with its complex history, is common in many world religions and ...

  • 3,824
  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated
The Corporation Documentary - Full Version
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This incredibly well put together documentary takes a refreshingly non biased approach to explaining exactly what a corporation is, how they came to be and how they are in general ...

  • 4,531
  • 8 years ago
  • 10(3)

Bottled water is common in America. Most people buy it over drinking tap water. However how does this multibillion dollar industry make so much profit? It is simple bottled water i...

  • 5,103
  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated
Solar Power Revolution – Here Comes the Sun
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Solar PV systems have now made a massive leap in the energy generation field. We have always been hunter gatherers but now it is more hunting for energy and fuel to produce this en...

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  • 8 years ago
  • 7(3)

Rick Steve, famous for Rick Steve’s Europe, goes to one of the most daunting superpower. Rick goes to Iran to see the “real” Iran not just the politics. This documentary real...

  • 3,280
  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated
Provincial Politics
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Indie +2

From filmmaker George Clipp (A Mongolian Couch) comes a look into the world of politics in the small town of Sagada in the Philippines. Following Richard Yodong, a deputy-mayor hop...

  • 4,453
  • 8 years ago
  • 10(3)
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This critically acclaimed documentary exposes the danger of the United State federal debt and how it may effect, or has, effected the economy. The mass of debt that the United Stat...

  • 4,231
  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated
Armenia: The Betrayed
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This 2002 documentary shows the horrors of the Armenian genocide and the lengths that the Turkish government goes to cover it up. It shows both the historical and modern politics a...

  • 5,018
  • 8 years ago
  • 10(1)
New Perspective on Islam
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In April 2002 the US sponsored a failed military coup against Hugo Chavez, the democratically elected president of Venezuela. An Irish TV crew was there by chance filming a documen...

  • 2,128
  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated

Thought provoking documentary on propaganda and mass media. Noam Chomsky explores through a series of lectures and interviews how todays modern democratic government favours the se...

  • 3,222
  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated
Gunsmoke – USA
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An ongoing source of controversy in America, gun laws are increasingly polarising the Southern states and Washington. In Arizona, Tea Party supporting, heavily armed, vigilante gro...

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  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated

Annie Machon is a preceding British Security Service (MI5) intelligence officer who departed the Service at the matching time as David Shayler, her colleague at the time, to aid hi...

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  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated
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Extradition is a film that explores the injustices of the Extradition Act 2003 through the suffering of two individuals and their families.Talha Ahsan and Babar Ahmed held without ...

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  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated
EndGame – Blueprint For Global Enslavement
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Another astonishing look at the almost complete “new world order”. Endgame, Blueprint For A New World Order explorers the elitist government behind the unification of Europe, T...

  • 5,138
  • 8 years ago
  • 7.5(4)
Complete Second Presidential Town Hall Debate 2012: Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney – Oct 16, 2012
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This is not strictly a documentary but it is of great interest to the many discerning Documentarytube users. We show here the second presidential town hall debate between Governor ...

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  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated

Shot before the 2008 Summer Olympics this PBS documentary shows the power and social structure of China. This part documents the changing role for women in modern day China.

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  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated

Shot before the 2008 Summer Olympics this PBS documentary shows the power and social structure of China. This part documents the massive engineering programs the nation does to sup...

  • 2,953
  • 8 years ago
  • 1(2)

Shot before the 2008 Summer Olympics this PBS documentary shows the power and social structure of China. We see a variety of social classes from the very rich to the very poor. Thi...

  • 3,233
  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated

The final segment of this four part documentary deals with Chinese freedom. We see several different sides of the issue from the Communist hardliners to the revolutionaries. Will C...

  • 2,165
  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated
Capitalism Is the Crisis
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Capitalism Is The Crisis: Extreme Politics in the Age of Austerity scrutinizes the ideological origins of the austerity agenda and recommends revolutionary paths out of the current...

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  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated

Knowing and stating your rights, you improve as a national. It will likewise be more arranged to adjust the force in the middle of you and the police, who frequently attempt to g...

  • 3,398
  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated
Barack Obama v Mitt Romney – It’s Rap
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Comedy +2

With US General Elections looming this sideways look at the battle between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney is epitomised by this mickey take rap session loaded with political satire. ...

  • 5,485
  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated
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