Videos Tagged: sexuality

sex taboo
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A magnificent and brilliant way to talk about sex, this documentary focuses on seemingly random events. But in reality, they are all connected with the idea of sex, and how sex changed the world...

  • 29,510
  • 5 years ago
  • Not Rated
birth control pills
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Birth control pills are one of the most controversy subjects of the past few years. A pile of articles has been written on the subject. There are people that are pro birth control pills, and tho...

  • 19,995
  • 6 years ago
  • 8.1(181)
sex in prison
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One of the most controversial and taboo topics is prison sex. What do prisoners do to satisfy their urge for sex.We’ve known for years that prisoners find a way to satisfy themselves. Movies a...

  • 20,204
  • 6 years ago
  • 7.4(7)
sex slavery
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A $30 billion industry per year, one of the worst human rights violation, the third largest organized crime, that is what sex slavery is nowadays.According to numbers, the average cost of a slav...

  • 9,564
  • 6 years ago
  • 7.7(3)
bangkok girl
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“In this tourist heaven, it isn’t the exquisite countryside that makes the headlines, but the sex trade, and the galanf that come to exploit it. An estimated 800,000 women work in the nightl...

  • 77,586
  • 6 years ago
  • 8.1(45)
love freely but pay for sex
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According to the latest studies in the UK, more women than men are paying for sexual services on a daily basis. The study, conducted in 2015, showed that women have too busy lifestyle to be able to ...

  • 15,961
  • 6 years ago
  • 6.8(5)

In the past several years, sexual surgeries have grown in popularity. Young girls are trying to “get their vulva to normal” with the help of surgery. What makes a vagina ...

  • 14,654
  • 6 years ago
  • 6.8(5)
vimeo icon
Love +2

Objectophillia, or sexual fetish toward particular inanimate objects is something that become popular in recent years. Object sexuality is becoming more and more popular, and...

  • 9,579
  • 6 years ago
  • 7(1)
men pedophiles
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The simple question is the following: Have you ever been attracted to a woman, only to find out later she is 13 years old? So, what is the difference between you and pedophil...

  • 10,989
  • 7 years ago
  • 3.7(7)
Digital World of Love
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In the near future virtual reality is going to enter our lives in ways we never imagined. Though dating and masturbating have long been commandeered by the web, it's only been as...

  • 6,308
  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated

What has been called as the “World’s Oldest Profession”, prostitution is rampant all around the world. From tiny shacks in the Bangladesh slums where women service men for on...

  • 19,306
  • 8 years ago
  • 6.3(6)
The Times of Harvey Milk
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Directed by Rob Epstein, the Times of Harvey Milk looks at the life and political career of San Francisco’s first openly gay counselor, Harvey Milk. His rise from a community act...

  • 8,101
  • 8 years ago
  • 10(2)
The Surprising History of Sex and Love
dailymotion icon
Health +1

‘The Surprising History of Sex and Love’ is an award winning documentary presented by Terry Jones.This film traces the story of changing social and religious attitudes to sex t...

  • 9,935
  • 8 years ago
  • 10(3)
The Kids Punch Back
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Crime +2

A glimpse into the mind of the three activists of the major child abuse: Chris Wittwer, Bill Bryant and Shane Maloney.This documentary film explores ideas to help protect children ...

  • 6,224
  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated
Sexuality the Documentary
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This documentary is a playlist of short excerpts from Sexuality the Documentary and gives the opportunity to get a reasonable glimpse of the content of the full documentary film wh...

  • 12,290
  • 8 years ago
  • 3(1)
Sexual Attraction – Group Sex
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Health +2

This is a candid short documentary exploring the alternative to monogamy and the introduction of group sex into peoples life. There is the opinion that this may well be an alternat...

  • 28,689
  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated
My Secret Self – Transgenderism Documentary
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People +1

An amazing and moving look at gender identity from a young age. My secret self looks at three children and their coming to terms with their transgenderism.

  • 4,667
  • 8 years ago
  • Not Rated
Latest Articles
Born in 1827, Joseph Lister was a British surgeon and a pioneer of antiseptic surgery. He is famous for introducing the ...
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For many players, playing high stakes game of poker can be mentally and emotionally challenging. It is not easy to bet 1...
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The plague had a profound impact on European society. While it caused panic and wiped out entire communities, the diseas...
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During the period of Mongol Rule in China, they introduced administrative and economic reforms. They were not interested...
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When people think of Dublin, they think of pubs, music culture, and the beer brand Guinness. Yet, you will be surprised ...
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