The Lie We Live

  • Published 5 years ago
  • 7.9

You can be anywhere you like at this moment. But you are watching a video in front of your computer. What is stopping you to be where you want to be?

The short documentary by Spencer Cathcart, describes the freedom of people, money, education, capitalism, nature, climate change, and how we influence them. There was a time days were timeless, now they are schedule.

The documentary might be pessimistic in the message it sends. But you will need just 8 minutes to watch it, and it will completely change the way you view things.

We work every day what was told to us. We live in a world of elitism hiding behind the doors of capitalism. The most precious source is not the Earth, it is us humans.

Just think for a moment. There is no more food for us on the trees, there is less fresh water in the rivers. And if you try to take what the Earth is giving us, you will end up in prison.

Put it any way you like it, but we are pressed to follow the rules enforced by corporations and governments.

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