Russell Brand: End the Drugs War

  • Published 7 years ago
  • Not Rated

This hard hitting documentary that Russell Brand made for BBC Three in 2012 finished up with him offering proof to the Home Affairs Select Committee. Drawing from his own personal experiences of drug use and recuperation, with his firm belief that drug addiction should be treated as a health issue instead of a criminal problem. He underlines his thoughts on abstinence being the best way forward to tackle addiction.

From that point forward the Committee has reported its discoveries, showing that the British drug laws were coming up short and that it is 'now or never'. Be that as it may, David Cameron did not agree, insisting that the approach taken by the UK is adequate and should be stuck by.

In this individual excursion for BBC Three, Russell Brand embarks to test that perspective. He aims to discover how different nations are handling their issues of drug misuse and attempts to investigate how the system of criminalization on drug users in the 'war on drugs' produces tremendous damage in the healing of addicts. Russell accepts that 'a movement' is occurring in the way that individual’s perceive drug addiction. In any case, to truly change things he needs to induce the individuals who have power.

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