The Mind After Midnight: Where Do You Go When You Go to Sleep?

  • Published 2 years ago
  • Not Rated

What happens when you go to sleep? Well, that is an interesting question. We all know we dream when we go to sleep. But what happens with our mind?

We spend one third of our lives sleeping. And every organism on Earth, be it animals like rats, dolphins, and even to fruit flies and microorganisms, rely on sleep for its survival.

Yet, science is still wrestling with the fundamental question. And that is why does sleep exist in the first place? What happens with our mind when we go to sleep?

During Shakespeare’s era, sleep was something considered closely to death. That is because the body and mind fall into a deep stillness before resurrecting each new day.

In reality, sleep is a flurry of actions. Millions of processes happen when we sleep. And this documentary tries to shed some light onto it.

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