GivePower: Clean Water for Kiunga and Beyond

  • Published 3 years ago
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One in nine people lack access to clean water. Approximately 2.2 billion people worldwide do not have access to safe drinking water facilities. And this is happening on a planet covered by 71% by water.

It might seem like a contradiction, but access to clean water is one of the biggest challenges. GivePower is an NGO hoping to solve the problem.

They call their technology solar water farms. That involves installing solar panels capable of producing 50 kilowatts of energy, high-performance Tesla batteries to store it, and 2 water pumping operating 24 hours per day.

Every day, the network provides drinking water for 35,000 people. And the water quality is better than that of a conventional desalination plant. Most importantly, there are no negative effects on the environment.

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