9/11 answers

  • Published 5 years ago
  • 6.4

September 11, 2001 will remain a date every American citizen remembers. And rightfully so. It was the day of the biggest terrorist attack on US soil.

The 9/11 attack started what then President George W. Bush called “war on terrorism”. Over the years, we’ve had several conspiracy theories, documentaries, and shows trying to find answers to what happened on that day.

And there will always be new documentaries trying to find answers to some of the popular questions. Who organized the attack? Al-Qaeda took blame for the attack, but there was always a perception that someone helped the terrorist organization.

This documentary focuses on elites like the Rockefellers, and other secret services under command of elite and rich families. The documentary tries to explain that elites organized the attack, and how they manage to do all that.

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