The Secret History of the Global Financial Collapse

  • Published 8 years ago
  • 1.7

Meltdown: The Secret History of the Global Financial Collapse narrates the story of the bankers who crashed the global economy, the leaders who did not manage to save it and the ordinary families who were badly impacted by it all. Doc Zone travelled from Wall Street to Dubai to China to investigate the story.

Sep 2008 represented an exceptional chain associated with incidents: General Motors, The world’s largest company was down in the dumps. Washington Mutual became the world’s largest banking catastrophe. The Lehman Brothers became the world’s biggest bankruptcy. The impact spread like fire destroying global confidence in the fundamental structures of the international economy.

Meltdown also narrates the stories of the desperate foreclosed homeowners in California, misled autoworkers at the end of the line in Ontario and angry workers in France who scandalised the world by kidnapping their employers.

1. The Men Who Crashed the World: Hunger for Greed and the rashness of the Wall Street Bulls ignite one of the biggest financial falls since the Great Depression. It is upto the former Wall Street banker, Hank Paulson Secretary of the US treasury to try and avoid any further tragedies.
2. A Global Tsunami: The meltdowns destruction flows around the world from California to Iceland and China. Facing economic downfall, in dire straits world leaders are at each other’s throats.
3. Paying the Price: The victims of the meltdown fight back. In Iceland, protesters force a government to fall. In Canada, ripped off autoworkers occupy their plant. And in France, furious union members kidnap their bosses.
4. After the fall: The shaken and disturbed world leaders question the basis of modern capitalism while asking: Can all this happen again?

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