swimsuit swimming summer pool

How To Protect Your Skin During Swimsuit Season

Everyone loves summer. The sun is out, the sky is blue, and there are plenty of opportunities to make the most of the wonderful weather and book beach holidays or spend lazy afternoons relaxing by the pool.

But with the sun comes the risk of skin damage. Whether it’s sunburn or something more serious, it’s important to protect your skin even when you’ve donned your swimsuit or bikini and you’re trying to tan.

Here are five easy ways that you can protect your skin during swimsuit season:

Wear sunscreen

It should go without saying that wearing sunscreen is super important if you’re spending any length of time out in the sun.

If you’re heading to some beautiful holiday destinations this summer, don’t forget to pack some sunscreen to apply regularly when you’re on the beach. You should be reapplying every two hours — or more if you’re swimming or sweating a lot.

You should be using at least SPF 30 at the start of your holiday. If you really want to tan, you can gradually reduce to a lower factor as your colour starts to build up and your skin is at less of a risk of burning. But while your body is still building up that melanin, look after your skin! There’s nothing worse than burning on day one of a beach break and having to wear a t-shirt in the sea for the rest of the week.

If you’re prone to oily skin, check out these best facial sunblocks for your skin type.

Cover up your sensitive areas

We’ve all seen those beautiful, tan model-like creatures emerging from the sea wearing a skimpy triangle bikini and thong combo. And while you may be tempted to invest in a teeny bikini too, you need to look after the more sensitive areas of your body so that they don’t burn.

Just be aware of the skin that is exposed; areas of your body that aren’t used to being regularly exposed to the sun (like your butt and breasts) are more likely to burn when you do get them out. For example, if you’re wearing this peekaboo bikini from Knix, don’t forget to apply sunscreen to the gap between the material!

If you’re tempted to do a bit of topless bathing (as long as the beach you’re on permits it), then don’t forget to slap on the sunscreen; your nipples are especially sensitive and you don’t want them to burn. Ouch.

Get some shade

It’s important to balance out your sun-seeking with a nice bit of shade too!

Give your skin — and your head — regular breaks during the day by retreating under a parasol or seeking shade in a cafe or bar, especially between 11 am and 3 pm when the sun’s rays are strongest.

 This will give your skin some breathing space and time away from the sun to recuperate. It also means you’re much less likely to suffer from sunstroke and heat-related headaches.

Remember that the sun can also burn through clouds too, so even if it’s an overcast day, you’re still at risk of burning if you’re lounging by the pool. Plus, the sun also reflects off the sea and can be even stronger than you expect it to be.

Don’t forget to moisturise after you sunbathe

If you don’t moisturise after you sunbathe, you run the risk of your skin drying out and becoming flakey — and even peeling off!

Slathering your body with a hydrating moisturiser during swimsuit season will help you to keep your skin healthy and prolong your tan.

Products with hydrating ingredients such as aloe vera and cucumber are particularly good for your skin: they’ll help to soothe sensitive skin, balance your skin’s pH (keeping your skin from drying out), and protect you from the negative effects of the sun.

Drink plenty of water

It’s not just the outside of your body that needs hydrating during swimsuit season — it’s your insides too!

Your body needs water to function normally (it helps to boost your energy levels and brain power among many other health benefits), but it’s also important for your skin.

It’s especially important if you’re having a beach day or spending time in the heat. Sunbathing can dry out your skin, making it feel tight, uncomfortable and flaky. And of course, in the long term, it can lead to wrinkling.

Drinking lots of water (around eight glasses or two liters a day is recommended), can rehydrate your skin cells — making your skin firmer and healthier, as well as leaving you with a beautiful glow and fresh-feeling face.

Follow these five easy ways that you can protect your skin during swimsuit season.What are your top tips for protecting your skin from the sun? Let us know in the comments below!